
Friday, February 7, 2014

Revisiting the ELV2

Wait, what?  Nobody knows what an ELV2 is!  Ah, yes but it's like how we call the Alpha Trooper the AT.  This is the Elite Longshot Version 2... and I haven't revisited this project seriously since last year.  However, I've got a couple of questions as I return this fella to the workbench.  The FIRST... I'm having one heckofuh time trying to figure out an "Elite" paintjob for this.  With the Xplorer grip on there, I want to cover up that bare metal and tie this thing together to make it look like it's part of the design.  That being said, as I try to plot things out... especially considering how BIG the ELV2 is going to be (since it WILL include the Front Gun) it's a bit bothersome.  I want the lines to work with the other Elite accessories for a front barrel, so it'll need a white stripe up top.  Now then, I know there's several of you out there who are a whiz at Photoshop and such, so I challenge you to take this image and give me some "Elite" lines to follow with it.

The second is revisiting the internals.  Part of why this project sort of stopped in the middle is... well...this thing kind of shot it's self up on the inside.  The Spring was a bit much, the "plumbing" wasn't nearly tight enough to properly put all that power where it needed to be and... with the Front Gun in the mix... it probably needs to be rebarreled somehow.  SO, I've essentially got a need for two kinds of Nerf Modders: the exterior Vanity Club folks and the interior pipe-dream engineers.  Hopefully this Blog has garnered enough attention to get some great input on this!

Now this doesn't mean I'm giving up exploring my own options... I just want YOURS while I'm at it!


  1. Unclear about the part regarding the breach. Did you want to commission one from someone, or were you asking for advice for fabricating your own?

    1. No objections to someone building 'em, but the idea was to get advice on the best method to upgrade this while still using Elite Darts.

    2. Ok then, I can do advice.

      There are three paths most traveled that you can choose from that utilizes stock darts, a rogue, CPVC, and brass breach. All get similar ranges as long as dart fit is optimal.

      The rogue breach,or 17/32+PETG breach, is the simplest, as well as the cheapest (As long as you have access to PETG) of the three breaches.

      CPVC breaches requires your CPVC to be as close to push fit as possible, as well as a bit more effort than a rogue breach . If the material available to you is too tight, consider one of the other two breaches.

      Then there's the brass breach. Requiring the most effort, this breach has been fine tuned by the NIC from the amount of people tweaking the design to near perfection. SGN's tutorial is probably the guide you would want to follow making your own.

      So really, what it comes down to is the amount of effort and cash you want to invest in it.

  2. Cover the bars with some shell pieces like this. I look at this picture regularly and have to double-take every time to catch them.

    1. I'd pursue that if I wasn't already using the Longshot Front Gun for part of this project. I'm upgrading the wimpy internals with something... Elite. So I can't sacrifice those parts to cover up the bars.

    2. Don't suppose it's the Panther that I suggested to Bob o Bob? (You don't need to tell.)

      You could always get another front gun. . .I'd send you parts of mine, but they're too dark. Then again, that part could be painted and not chip. . .

  3. Get an Xplorer Fighter kit for inside. Anything they make for Longshot is absolutely perfect.

    1. Already got one.

      Only trouble is it's designed for Stefan darts. Like the first Elite Longshot, this one will be using Elite Darts.

    2. i left a comment on your elite longshot 2.0 video a while ago, and i left a link to a video showing a spring combo to make the frontgun hit about 50 feet, that with a brass barrel could hit, dare i say it, elite range, heres the link anyway

  4. Just put a brass insert I'm the breach(17\32). The barrels of the lomgdot could have a wider brass(9\16) to increase accuracy.
