
Monday, February 17, 2014

Color-swappin Elites

Nerf fans with OCD might want to sit out 2014.  One look at the Wall-O-Nerf at Toy Fair 2014 would make any matchmaker cringe.  White with orange, white with blue, orange with white, blue with white, and a nice loud green Firefly Tech magazine to really screw with ya.  It's all over the board... literally.

For me, this is a bit of a pain in the arse after being so happy with the Elite lineup finally unifying the designs and colors to get all matchy matchy with themselves when they came out in 2012.  Well, 2 years later, looks like that's all blown out of the water.  There's some new recolors we can spot in this shot like the Firestrike, Retaliator, even a Strongarm over in the corner.  Somehow, Nerf managed to steal the white-striped RapidStrike from Basic Nerf, too... which technically makes things with the older accessories match better (in contrast to the rest of the new stuff).  Long story short... I'm feeling very conflicted with all my beloved Blue blasters getting phased out and mismatched.  I am, however, looking forward to folks making use of that white RoughCut 2x4 with the Retaliator barrel to go all Masterkey on us!


  1. Whatever happened to that "one color, one dart" thing? Now we have white on blue, blue on white, orange on white, white on orange, and white on red alongside Elite Darts, Elite Suckers, MEGAs, MEGA grenades, (rocket-like) arrows, and true arrows. WAHHH

  2. Here's what I think. The reason for the colour change is to make people buy more accessories (barrels and stocks). Supposing you have a white blaster with white barrel and white stock and buy an orange blaster but you don't have a stock or barrel to match? So you go out and buy some that do match. So it could mean that Hasbro is going to sell the barrels and stocks separately... could it?

    1. Sounds so devious that it might actually be true. (followed by evil laugh of hasbro executives counting thier money)

    2. Marketing now is more designed to personalisation and customization. EXCESSORIES make money so long as there is a demand, next they may let you make yout own like the Nike website does with shoes.

  3. Honestly I think it's because parents can't tell them apart when they are all the same color. "I wanted the other other blue one!"
