
Monday, January 6, 2014

Successful Stock Mount!

Well, it's taken us quite a few ideas and prototypes, but I think we honestly started in the wrong place trying to figure out how to affix an N-Strike Stock adapter to an LTAR.  Previous attempts had focused on utilizing the upper rear portion of the blaster (where the iOS Cradle attaches) as a mounting point for this kind of device.  While we are still pursuing ideas like that, I honestly think I've found a much better location suited for a Stock Adapter.  The battery door.

It's simple, almost too simple... but it makes a lot of sense, especially considering the trouble we've had with the top-mounted method.  When stress is applied to the part, the connections lift up and the adapter separated itself from the blaster.  A shoulder stock should be able to withstand that kind of force, so relocating the adapter to the battery door, which is rear-facing, is a solid point to mount.  The more force you push into the stock, you're really just strengthening the connection point instead.

We used Plast-aid Multipurpose Repair Plastic to weld the back of this Spectre REV-5 stock adapter to the battery door of the LTAR-AR.  It took awhile to get the right fitment and positioning of this adapter, and I may make alterations and modifications in the future of this piece based on my experience with it in future games.  The design of the N-Strike Stock Attachments means there's about a half inch lower from the adapter needed for the spring-loaded lock and release mechanism, so it's not a flawless matchup when you're holding the blaster.  It tends to dig in a little to the part of your hand where your thumb joint begins.  It's not very noticeable, but I'm curious if extended use in a game would start to make it irritating.  Next week, during our Frozen Fortress game, I'll be using the LTAR-AR equipped with various N-Strike stocks to check for comfort.

I'm very proud of this adapter and hope to continue to perfect it's design.  Once I'm able to do that, we can start to pursue creating more of these so other players can easily equip a stock to their LTAR.

The LTAR-AR will be testing it's Version 2 lens adapter, Prototype Stock Adapter, and a Prototype Weaver Rail Adapter for the top portion during the game next weekend.  All three are part of our development for accessories on the LTAR.  The Version 2 Lens Adapter simply needs some adjustment to ease installation, so we hope to have a finalized version of that available this spring.  The other two should hopefully be on-schedule to be finalized before the start of our next Summer Season of outdoor Laser Tag.


  1. I'm really digging the battery door stock adapter--it's such a logical place to put it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I feel that a 2 part system that is connected 3 clips, and two circle parts that look like a screw would go there but doesn’t have an outside hole for one is where the design is flawed.
    "When stress is applied to the part, the connections lift up and the adapter separated itself from the blaster." I think that what the ipod connect has going for it is that it is a solid piece, including the 2 points in which the 3 clips clasp. I feel that if the bottom part, and sides remained fixed on one piece and side lid attached by a screw it would be more sturdy, and wouldn’t separate. I think adding weaver rails to the sides would just make it cool, even if you didn’t stick a flashlight, scope and laser sight on it. By the way found out that a laser pointer for cats doesn’t have the same light frequency, so a laser sight on a lazer gun could be possible… if not redundant.
