
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

ZombieStrike Crossfire Bow Review

I've been looking forward to the ZombieStrike Crossfire Bow since all those ZS blaster pictures were leaked in the summer of 2013, so I was on the hunt to find one when I heard they had started reaching retailers here in the US.  I found one and immediately started messing around with it until I learned that, aside from this looking like a Crossbow, there's really not a lot about this blaster that works like the legendary Nerf Crossbow from the 90s.  I sort of already knew that, but I suppose I was hoping this blaster would be special and stand out from the rest of the line of dart-slingers Nerf has been coming out with.  Aside from it's Crossbow-like function, this is really just a half-capacity version of an N-Strike Elite RoughCut 2x4 that can use a stock attachment.

Well, you be the judge!  The video review is after the jump!


  1. What is that stock you used at the beginning?

    1. It's a Super Soaker Lightning Storm stock that's wrapped in Electrical tape. They're usually white.

  2. Does this one still work this way?
    I swear the box today said they all fire at once.

    1. I'm certain they fire one at a time. It wouldn't make sense to me for Nerf to change it nearly 3 years after it's release.
