
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Centurion & CrossFire News!

Thanks to a tip from Mr. Raccoon, there's a Centurion with a little extra ammo included.  What's not to like about doubling your chances of hitting the broad side of a barn, right?

The blaster's boxing seems odd...especially considering how big the Centurion already is.  In the normal packaging, the main barrel is removed to reduce the size.  However, in this configuration, the blaster is fully assembled and is sitting in an open-air box, which you usually only see on smaller blasters like the Firestrike and Strongarm.  It's a Costco exclusive from what I've been able to tell.

Also, from the looks of Baidu (and a bunch of awesome blogs that have already reported on the matter), someone's got their hands on the highly-anticipated ZombieStrike CrossFire.  Whether you like the green or not, this is the first Crossbow for the Nerf lineup in a long while.  Pictures show 4 clear positions for darts up-front and the usual attachment points for accessories.

It's a little smaller than I thought, just a hair shorter than a RoughCut 2x4, but put a shoulder stock on this and you've got the chance to lay down some accurate and steady shots.  I'm not sure how many darts it'll fire at once, as it almost looks like it's another multi-shot blaster.  However, constantly front-loading a rifle-style blaster might make this a bit of a pain to use in games.  Reload time is a crucial element in fast-paced games, so it'll be interesting to see if it is a front-loader... or if there's more to this blaster than we've seen so far.


  1. This might sound like a daft question, but on the crossfire, does the "crossbow" part actually do anything other than decorative? The elastic on it doesn't look all that powerful.

    1. It never does, the first crossbow never did it, neither did the big bad bow, so what can you expect.

    2. Ahhh, fair enough, I never had a chance to wield one in the past (or infact see one in the flesh) so was never sure!

  2. Cool, twice the gun food for the centurion. At least it will be well fed for the 5-10 minutes it takes to chew them all up

  3. What do you think of the green? 'Cause it's growing on me.

  4. The crossbow looks like a cut down 2x4 with crossbow arms and a pull draw on it. I think im gonna call this a pass and keep dreaming for the day where I can actually afford the original.

  5. Why dont you make the centurion you have a lazer tag shell and experiment with one of those, to see whats the difference between a clip with modified darts and unmodified ones (you know, modify six of these and leave 6 to be) and try to fix any problem that might come up? Just so we see if we can make this worth for a modification.

  6. I think the reason the centurion is in an open-air box is because Nerf didn't want modders to keep the barrel extension off the blaster, so they attached it to the body before selling it.

  7. Can anyone report the price of the Centurion at Costco? I'm assuming it's around the original $50 asking price... anyone confirm? Any other sightings? If so, where are you located?
