
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

600k Pageviews!!

Well, in the 2 and a half years I've been running Tactical Tag, I've managed to reel in some fantastic readers.  600,000 pageviews is just another milestone that's continued by your great feedback and support!  I don't want any of you to think that I take this for granted, as it's YOU that fuel my continued interest in these hobbies.  

Even when I'm busy, or when I'm struggling to keep up with news or reviews, it's the readers here and on Facebook that keep me going.  Thanks for all your contributions, submissions, ideas, and insight that make me look forward to checking in on this every day.


  1. I love your work. I look forward to many more fun blog posts in the future!

  2. Congrats! With UT, NM&R, and SGNerf not posting, it's good to have someone keeping up to date with the nerf scene.
    Thanks for the great work, and a digital toast to many more fantastic blog posts.

    1. You know... that makes me realize... my "Big 3" are pretty much dead. Jeez...

    2. Not to mention MLD's currently MIA. Hope all is well there.

  3. Well done, you've got a great blog going here. Also I should thank you for convincing me to try out Lazer Tag with my Nerf group (which has been going awesome).

  4. Andy W (UK)

    Congrats and keep up your excellent work as always :) . It is nice to have such an active Blog that features interesting articles that encourage debate.

  5. Congrats, Bazookafied! You deserve it! Running a blog is a very difficult discipline to undertake. It takes much work and creativity in developing original takes. Not only have you managed all this while facing a variety of life changes, but you've been a consummate professional throughout as well. The "Big 3" might have all gone by the way side, but you very well might be the inspiration for the next cutting edge generation of NIC Nerf mass media enthusiasts. Again, congrats and thanks for sharing your passion.
