
Monday, September 9, 2013

Rayven Stinger?

Spotted on, there's another recolor (this is #3) for the Rayven.  This time it looks like they've done away with the glow-clip, given it a Gear-Up-esque paintjob, and special black tipped Elite darts with orange foam in a normal 12 round clip.  Essentially, it's lost 6 rounds, but performs the same.

It doesn't sound like anything special outside of the fact that it's lost the Glow-Darts and Glow-Dart Clip the Rayven once came with.  Hopefully that just means it's more affordable.  It's hosted on Amazon from AR-DISCOUNT for $28.99 USD.  As of this post, they have 11 left in stock.  Given the odd nature of this blaster showing up (this is the only place I've seen it so far) and that this site doesn't have ANY other Nerf products on their site.  Certainly makes me curious how this one snuck in under the radar... and what Nerf is planning to accomplish with this in the first place.

And, just to hush up all you nay-sayers, this kid posted up a video spotting a whole shelf full of 'em.  Thanks to Darryl for finding this!


  1. It smells fishy to me, and even more so when you notice the black stripes on the blaster are uneven, aren't smooth, and frankly look like pressed-on lengths of electrical tape. I call "knock-off" on this one.

  2. This makes me curious. I just spent a few minutes looking around ebay and google and such and haven't found it anywhere else. No images. Nothing. If I weren't so broke I might grab one off of Amazon just to check the legitimacy.

  3. This makes some sense since one of the Targets here put all the other versions of Rayvens on clearance.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Not really. Toys R Us did "Double your Darts".

  5. Check this out

  6. I think it is legit. I also think Nerf realized the Rapidstrike dart pusher would fit inside very easily!

  7. I can't understand why these children keep jumping up and down shouting "fake!" I have never seen one of these these "fakes" fail to show up in stores. This one already is in stores, but somehow it's photoshop. What can you possibly have to gain from all this Nerf-blaster-denial? Your genitals are extinct.

    1. Yeah I've never seen a rumored nerf gun that hasn't been the real deal

    2. what about the whiteout spectre?

    3. And the Stampede with the 50 drum?

  8. Anyone notice that it's supposedly elite, but only says "Rayven" on the shell?? The Elite Rayven says CS-18 unlike the og Rayven...also, yeah the box looks sloppily done...fishy indeed...not saying it isn't real, it obviously is...just friggin weird. --Coyote

  9. I agree with Anonymous ^. The only time I thought something was fake was the 1st picture of the rapidstrike which I had a few reasons: MLD said there was going to be no elite stampede which honestly that is what the rapidstrike is, the image was terrible quality and lastly the way nerf took elements from other blasters it looked like a photoshoped blaster with a strife body, rayven carry handle, stampedeish front etc...

  10. I found it on sam's club's site for $20, that is a nice deal since the stryfe costed that much.

  11. It appears to be a Sam's Club exclusive. Their online store has a listing for it (no pics, unfortunately). Plus, the video looked as if it was shot at a wholesale store, like Sam's or Costco.

  12. I hate to be hating, but I think this is pointless. Nerf keeps making these recolors, and are not pushing innovation enough. Instead they make us 15 different types of fly-wheel blasters. I will say I am a fan of the rapidstrike and the stryfe but the rest seem absolutely gratuitous, and this just adds insult to injury.

    This probably means that in addition to the already real Elite Sonic Ice theme, we are now going to have another Gear up theme. Something that is completely unnecessary.

  13. Zook,

    Never posted before, but i check in with your blog regularly. Keep up the good work. Just thought you'd like to know the Sonic Ice series has been released in the uk.

    Also, as a uk nerfer, i was unaware you got the stockade and alpha trooper later than us. If that situation arises again i will gladly post you a gun or 2. (We don't get the aussie grey triggers, we get the full force orange ones!!)

  14. If it's that cheap - $20, then I might pick one up. I LOVED the Gear up orange and black, plus it's kind of like an inverse Elite series (ie the opposite of blue is orange, opposite of white is black). Plus, it's got those slick darts, AND a 12 rounder? I love those as back up mags. Definately a maybe lol --Coyote
