
Monday, September 30, 2013

Backwards Rayven Colors?

Photos have finally surfaced of the Rayven Stinger and, from the box art we had seen before, I think most of us were expecting kind of a "Gear Up!" look for this blaster.  Most folks saw orange in that photo.  The current out-of-box photos we have show the Rayven Stinger clearly with that all-too-familiar N-Strike Yellow from the original lineup.  I can't help but think "isn't this backwards"?

Think back to March of 2012 when the Rayven first came out as part of the "Light It Up" series alongside the Lumitron.  It was that glowy green color and, while it had the ability to mount accessories... pretty much every accessory looked awful on it thanks to the colorscheme.  A year later, the Rayven got Elite treatment and went blue, so some accessories from that lineup matched it and made it look decent.  Now all of a sudden we seem to be back to the original N-Strike colors, which was the norm when the Rayven made it's initial debut.  

So, in a nutshell, the Rayven started off by not matching anything, then to being colored like the rest of the Elite lineup, and now it's more apt to blend in with the original N-Strike lineup that it was released with?  Doesn't make a whole lotta sense to me!

In any case, does this new Rayven Stinger with it's yellow darts mean the Elite Lineup itself is moving towards changing colorschemes?  Or is this the Rayven trying to stand out from the lineup yet again?


  1. Oh God why can't they just stick with white and blue for a while? It looks good, but then they throw the orange stripe rapidstrike out there and now this? A downgraded rayven in the old colour scheme? Why? Just WHY?

    1. I don't think it's internally downgraded, it just doesn't have the semi-useless glow clip. Honestly, I like the color scheme a little better better, and it costs less than the standard Elite Rayven, so I'm at least thinking about getting it.

  2. On the plus side if you have N strike tacticool you can bring it out to play again without a colour clash.

  3. Well, I think I officially hate Nerf's marketing department.

  4. Am i the only one who thinks this blaster is secretly a promo blaster for Transformers 4 and that's why it has a "bumblebee" theme?

    1. Come to think of it, Bumblebee... Stinger.... Huh, Huh, Huh

    2. Interesting take! I guess that would validate the "Stinger" name that comes with it :)

  5. Nice. Reminds me of the construction transformers. Remember the 5 of them came together to form the big robot?
