
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Food = More Players

If you feed them, they will come.  Actually, that's irrelevant since we've had cookouts before during our regular laser tag season... but MAN did we have great turnout at the MLTA's 8th Annual "Independence Eve BLAST!"  We almost depleted our armory with 26 people in attendance.  Not only does that make this the highest turnout for a game this season, but it also is the highest turnout for this event in it's 8 year history!  Usually this is a tricky game to plan since folks are out of town and busy with other stuff, but apparently things worked out and we had a great mix of new and old faces show up to celebrate with us!

As usual, the evening started off with our cookout.  Folks brought Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Chips, Cookies, Drinks, even some AA batteries to help our armory out!  We had a few veterans show up that hadn't played with us in ages, so we caught up with them and met some new friends along the way.  From high school freshmen to Masters Degree graduates, it was an all-ages show!  I feel like we've got a whole new generation of players getting hooked on this, so it's good to see the group grow with some younger players.

We had some gear break down last week and my LTX EF5 was among the casualties.  Didn't get it fixed in time, so I just used the CTDYNE LTX.  I forgot how great of a blaster the stock LTX is when it's got a good Red Dot and shoulder stock mounted to it, so the CTDYNE Combo mount attached really helps bring out the blaster's full potential as far as accuracy and comfort are concerned.  We've got more gear to work on this summer, but most of the veterans (myself included) have been incredibly busy this summer.  We do have newer players asking for a Mod Night, so I guess we'll have to do one soon!  From simple repaints to modifying stock gear to full-on recasings, there's a lot we'd like to get done!

In general, I'm excited to see this growth of our group continue.  Weather has been against us this summer, but with a little push and some promotion, we've managed to get some great new faces at our games!  We'll see if it continues into our game next week, though... fingers crossed!


  1. That sounds great! I wpuld totally come, but that would require a decent amount of travelling and a good bit of explaining. :/

  2. Haha, yeah. "I'm going on a road trip, mom..."
    OK, question time. 1: is there a limit to how many LTX/LTAR that you can have in simple team games (unhosted)? I would imagine the answer is no, as it is for free-for-all games. So you, for example, could have had 8/8/10 3-way games if you have 26 LTX/LTAR?
    Reason is, I just picked up 2 boxes of tiger LTX (complete with shotblast, scope and video game) for less than 20$ apiece. And now I am getting closer to having 24 units...
    2: I cleaned out two Walmarts and now have 6 LTAR along with 6 idevice cradles and rubber thingies I am never going to use for the app. Has anyone come up with an actual use for these things?
    -Anony the moose

    1. First of all I need to say how incredibly HAPPY I am to hear how large your collection has gotten! You don't find many players with that much Laser Tag gear at their disposal. Second, to answer your questions, you can host an infinite amount of LTX/LTAR blasters using the Quick team selections. The only LT brand gear that limits player numbers is LTTO through it's hosting system. As for the LTAR App cradles... my group is working on several ways to build custom attachments for the LTAR like a weaver rail for a Red Dot Sight or a detachable stock attachment. The cradle might be useful to modify to add a part like that and keep it securely on the blaster.
