
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Facebook Giveaway for TT

I started things out on Blogger with Tactical Tag back on April 15th, 2011.  Since then, this blog has reached over 500,000 people in over 50 Countries!  The United States, Australia, The United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, and Singapore all have well over 10,000 views contributing to those statistics.  The Facebook page for Tactical Tag was added on March 29th of 2012 and has been a great way to reach folks via social networking and connect them to the blog.  Recently, the Facebook Page has sort of become it's own thing as I add "FB Exclusive" content to it.  It's easier for me to add things on the fly through mobile updates on Facebook whereas the blog tends to take a little more TLC to get an article published.

As we approach a seemingly endless sea of new releases (Centurion, RapidStrike, Rebelle products, ZombieStrike products, etc), news is going to be flying all over the place.  I figured what better way to help reach more people than to plug the Facebook group with a bit of a giveaway!

Currently, the Facebook Group has 189 "Likes". 19 more... and we'll have 200 "Likes" for Tactical Tag! I get the feeling some of you know folks that have been reading the blog that don't know about the Facebook Page that goes along with it. To help spread the word, I'll do a Facebook-Exclusive giveaway once we hit "200 Likes". If we get there, one lucky fan will receive an N-Strike Elite Triad!
To sweeten the deal, if we hit "250 Likes" before the end of this month (July), instead of giving away a Triad... I'll be giving away something a bit... bigger. So spread the word!


  1. Helping spread the word! Best of luck to the lucky fan!

  2. You mean eleven more likes, right?

    1. Heh, looks like it's gone up since the initial post. We're already past 200 now. Looks like the target now is to get to 250.

  3. Consider yourself fortunate... my page only has 18 "likes."

  4. " I'll be giving away something a bit... bigger"... you had my interest, but now you have my attention.
