
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

V2 Firefly: Back to the Battlefield

Worked on some more gear the other day in preparation for our big game this Thursday.  June 6th not only marks the MLTA's 7th Anniversary, but it also marks our 100th planned game!!  I'm incredibly proud of both of these facts and have been planning a few special things for this game.  The obvious change for this game is a return to our roots: Laser Challenge.  This tried-and-true system was the backbone of our group since our beginning and was the system of choice even before we officially formed any sort of organized games under a group name.  One of those blasters we managed to resurrect is the V2 Firefly.

The original Laser Challenge V2 Firestorm
There are many "legendary" blasters returning to the battlefield thanks to much needed repairs and TLC.  The V2 Firefly (pictured above) was certainly one of the most fearsome blasters to take the field in combat.  Built from a Nerf Firefly REV-8 and utilizing a rapid-fire Laser Challenge Radar Extreme OS, the V2 Firefly was a small, compact, and deadly blaster.  At the heart of it's amazing performance is a lens from the Laser Challenge V2 Firestorm, which has been regarded by many laser tag enthusiasts as the most powerful factory lens arrangement to date.  Released in 1997, the V2 Firestorm had awesome range and firepower, but it's shell was clunky and hard to aim with.  Our V2 Firefly design retains the legendary range of the Firestorm while combining it with the more ergonomically sound and aesthetically-appealing shell of the N-Strike Firefly REV-8.

FirestormCamo with his V2 Firefly
Developed during the off season in 2009, the V2 Firefly was intended to serve as the personal weapon for the OLCA Veteran, FirestormCamo. Based off his long history with the OLCA and even longer history at using a Firestorm rifle we set out to build a new weapon for him that would last. Previous Firestorm weapons did not seem to survive long under his demanding use for some odd reason, so building a new weapon that still utilized the legendary lens of the Firestorm was in order.

The result was a bullpup-style sniper-class weapon able to pick off opponents at ranges exceeding 1000 feet. The weapon enjoyed a strangely quick development period thanks to hours of work between several avid modders in our group. The V2 Firefly enjoys a Red/Green dot scope with variable brightness settings that allow FirestormCamo to change it easily for any kind of lighting. The firing-position reload allows him to hold his sniping stance without having to move his hands and alter that position. It's topped off with a Camouflage pattern that I dubbed the "Firestorm" Camouflage. This low-vis jagged camouflage is designed specifically for low-light and nighttime combat, a common setting for our laser tagging group at the time.

Below is an older video I made showing the V2 Firefly's basic functions.

1 comment:

  1. getting 1000 + ft with this you should put a scope or long range sight on it. that is pretty insane.
