
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Severe Weather follows the Fight Night

It seems like whichever night we choose for any given season of outdoor laser tag, it always ends up being the worst weather of the week.  Whether it's unseasonably hot temperatures (especially last year) or stormy conditions, it always seems to fall on the weeknight that we play.  The Midwest Laser Tag Association (Formerly Omaha Laser Challenge Association) has traditionally held it's weekly games, known as the "Fight Night" on either a Monday or Tuesday night.  This season, we switched to Thursday nights, to better accommodate some of our veteran players' schedules.  

Last week, we still managed to have our Season 8 Opener cookout and games despite sprinkles and light rain.  This week, for the MLTA's second Fight Night, there's a forecast for Severe Thunderstorms.  On days like today, it's up to me to keep a close eye on the forecast to see whether the game needs to be cancelled or not.  Often times, during the day, I'm too busy to play weatherman and just have to check things out an hour or two before game time.

We'll just have to wait and see.  Around here, the saying goes "If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes.  It'll change."

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