
Monday, May 13, 2013

CTDYNE: LTX Lens Upgrade

Got an awesome e-mail from my buddies at Custom Tag Dynamics that I'm excited about.  Here's another great project of CTDYNE that's on a roll!  Here's the news along with several detailed photos about what they're up to.

"Hello Mike,
I see in your post to Tactical Tag dated Friday, 5/10 you mentioned that " On my next blaster, I may have to include some kind of sniper module add-on for those instances when I want to reach out and nab some long-range kills". The timing for this type of accessory build is once again proof that great minds think alike.

CTDYNE is currently in the process of building two sniper type accessories for LTX taggers. Our timeline for completion of these CTDYNE customs is to be ready to field them this September. I have some preliminary images to share of the unit for this LTX. It is called the Stinger.

The design goal for both units is the same: To extend the usable range of the tagger and to be able to quickly install and remove these sniper modules with no tools or modifications required to the LTX.

The basic structural components of the Stinger are a Laser Challenge Virtual Paintball lens assembly (the one you provided some time ago), A H&K G-36 front section from an airsoft, and the Hasbro video game module supplied with the original release of the LTX. These three main components are tied together with a custom fabricated aluminum center section. I have attached nine images of the preliminary work completed to date on the structure of the Stinger.
Keep in mind these are preliminary images. Details & finish work to come. You can see the aluminum center section with the optic tube installed. This is the rear mount for the tube. The black screw centered in the mount is what fastens the tube to the mount. The front of the tube is located by the hole I enlarged in the front section of the airsoft part. Fortunately, after I enlarged this hole I found that provision to hold rear of the optic tube centered for windage was already cast in. All I had to do was come up with a way to hold the rear of the tube for height or "elevation".

We are in the process of designing and building two custom boards for both these sniper modules that will work in tandem with the original board from the Shotblast module. As you can imagine the functions of the Shotblast board will be enhanced by this secondary board Duncan is building."

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