
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Monthly Contest Schtuff

Well folks, the "Monthly Contest" just isn't really what I had hoped it'd be.  A month-long thing is long enough for folks to forget about and the Weekly Giveaway that it used to be was just too hectic/busy for me.

I've still got gear I want to give back to the community, though.  What do you think I should to in a giveaway fashion?  Right now the Monthly thing just doesn't seem to be the answer just yet.  Throw some ideas my way!


  1. What about a bi-weekly one? Not to long, not to short? Gives you time to take care of stuff but not long enough for people to forget. I love doing your contests to see how lucky I really am (usually I am not) lol. Only reason why I didnt do last months is because I dont wear camo for nerf, nor do i own any. Hope you can figure out the best option for doing the give away so I have more chances to win :P

  2. Donate some stuff to the PSU Urban Gaming Club!


  3. maybe a biweekly giveaway? sound like the perfect combo :D

  4. The biweekly sounds like the best option, but who won last months?

    1. We had two entries. I'm pretty sure you weren't serious with yours... and the second entry wasn't exactly "eligible".

  5. Biweekly sounds the best.

  6. For me, it was the fact that you had to take a photo. I can never get my friends together to get a good photo so I opted out of them.

  7. I'm down with the biweekly idea.

  8. You could always do Holiday giveaways. Wouldn't be too hectic. Most people are aware of holidays, and would be able to keep track of upcoming giveaways if it was known they were on those days. That's my .02
