
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

"The Base" - Laser Tag Heaven

So our Weekend Warriors got delayed due to Winter Storm Triton surprising local meteorologists as 9 inches of snow were dropped on the area with whiteout conditions thanks to strong gusts and blowing snow.  Now that the system has passed, we've got 50 degree temperatures on the way to thaw things out, so we rescheduled our game at "The Base".  I came across some footage I took several months ago that I had intended on putting together for a video walkthrough of one of my favorite places to play Laser Tag, so I edited it this morning to show folks why I look forward to playing here so much.

Since my LTX EF5 still hasn't had it's final test, I'll probably shoot the video of it's review AT the base, so that should be pretty cool!  Looking forward to this game, this place, and using the EF5 here.


  1. i wish i had areas like that close to me ^^

  2. That park is AWESOME! I wish that I could play Lazer Tag there.

  3. Wow! That's a sweet place to play! Must admit I'm a little jealous right now. ~Chris

  4. Sa-WHEEEEET! I love that radar dome thing, is it accessible? Looks like it would make a mean center for the Zone in an Own-The-Zone game!

    -- TagFerret
