
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Returning from the Back Seat

Able to haul my gear in ANY weather!
Admittedly, I haven't had very many updates this past week or so.  When I'm not planning Nerf games or modifying Laser Tag blasters, I'm usually busy with something else.  In this case, my car.  There's been a lot of snow here recently so I've been having fun running around in my Subaru with a new exhaust that we installed last week.  As a result, Tactical Tag took a bit of a back seat.  So it's time to open the door, stumble out, and get back to work!

Elite Longshot Ver 2.0
That being said, I've got two big projects that I want to finish up before the Month's end (this week)... but I've only really got time to devote to one of these.

The first is the Elite Longshot Ver 2.0.  It needs a paint job and, while I'm not sure it's warm enough to paint, I can at least plot out a design that I want to go with for it.  It wouldn't take me long, and if I can get some good weather, it could theoretically be done before month's end.
LTX EF5 - Laser Tag Recasing

Then there's my LTX EF5.  It's my laser tag sniper built from a Phoenix LTX and a Super Soaker Thunderstorm shell.  It needs a few final tweaks and a "finished product" video of it before I haul it out for a game scheduled for March 10th.  It wouldn't take me very long either.

So I'm letting YOU guys decide!  Do I finish the Elite Longshot Ver 2.0?  Or do I complete the long-overdue LTX EF5?  Cast your vote as a comment below!


  1. I would say EF5 because you might not get a chance to paint the Longshot in time. But either one is really cool and I look forward to seeing updates on both.

    1. Agreed.
      I advise you not to paint unless it's over seventy degrees. You can also just stick a space heater in your garage for a couple of hours, and it will be toasty warm!

      Anyway, do you have video of your snow-time exploits? It would be interesting to see, because my brother and I took our Taurus out onto the snow/ice and rotated filming and sliding. ;)

  2. As a general rule I would say EF5, because It is an older project, and I think should be finished, but both would be very cool.

  3. LTX EF5 is my vote.

  4. Elite Longshot all the way!

  5. LTX EF5,since you have worked on it for a long time.

  6. Elite Longshot v2 first. Also, that's not a Thunderstorm, it's a Tornado Strike.

    1. Goodness... I was rustier than I thought! Yes... Tornado Strike! Hence the "EF5" designation. Messed that one up.

  7. Do the elite longshot!!!!!!!!!!!! It is an amazing gun but you should get it to shoot at least 100ft.
