
Sunday, January 6, 2013

LTAR Sale @ Wal-Mart

At least in my area, local Wal-Marts have a sale on the Lazer Tag Augmented Reality system that chops the price in half!  From $34 to $17!!  If that's not cheap enough for ya, I suppose you could enter in the Monthly Contest for January and flat-out WIN one, but this is an excellent price for a wonderful blaster!


  1. Today, I found an LTAR for only $25 at a local overstock store! It was a very nice find if I don't say so myself.

  2. Thanks for the heads up!

  3. Hey Bazookafied,

    I'm watching your blog from time to time and I have a question. Me and 20+ friends of mine play lasertag weekly. But infortunately only the light strikes are available in our country (Belgium). My sister brought me 2 LTARS from her visit to detroit a couple of months ago and we really REALLY like them. I'm trying to find a way to get my hands on more of them for my friends. I have contacted kmart, walmart, toyrrus and even HASBRO and no luck (only pick up 'n buy no sending). Since you are very active in lasertag, maybe you do know a way to get a hold of them?

    I work for the university of Hasselt and my electronic collegeaus and I are developing a 5 LED display as a health indicator which I find the only thing lacking on my LTAR(s)(don't have an Iphone and don't want to use an Iphone with them either...)
    If you could help me out some way I would gladly send you one!

    Either way thanks. I will tune in for your posts weekly like always and see if you replied.



    A Belgian laser tag enthusiast.

    1. Hey Gert! Glad you've been enjoying the LTAR! You're actually not the first to start work on an LED Display for health on the base tagger. It's a great tagger without the iOS Device, so a few others have been working on displays for this. Hope you get one worked out!

      Anyways, the only way I can think of getting more LTARs to you is for me to purchase them here and ship them to you. Wal-Mart (I think) still has that sale going on. I could see how many I could get my hands on and send you those since it's a good time to buy these in bulk with that sale going on. Let me know if that's something you want to do.

      Hope we can get you and your friends tagging with the LTAR!

  4. Hey Bazookafied,

    Thank you for the quick reply!
    And many thanks for your proposition to ship them to us!!!
    I'll meet up with my friends this weekend and will let you know asap!
    Is there a way to é-mail you from now on?

    If my friends are ok with this I think we will need a total of 20 blasters preferable 10xtwinpacks zo we can have 10 of each colour (easy for making teams). But 10pink/white and 10orange/gray single packs would also be ok offcourse if thats possible.

    Anyways, Thanks again,
    You will hear from me shortly.


  5. Hi!

    Been following your site mainly for Nerf, but I recently came across the LTAR's on sale and picked up 12 of them for the kids. Seems every 3rd Google hit on LTAR brings me back to Tactical Tag, so I have a query for you.

    As I was testing each of them out, I discovered that there are two different battery trays. An orange one and a black one.

    The battery configurations are different on the trays so they are not interchangeable. They actually don't fit in the wrong blaster, but when the kids are in a rush, I can see problems arising.

    A quick glance at the blaster shows the orange tray blaster has one metal connector at the back and the black tray blaster one has two. Orange tray has batteries going in the traditional opposing directions, the black tray has them all pointing down.

    I can't seem to find any information on this anywhere. Just wondering if one has an advantage over the other? I would like to get all matching trays to avoid any confusion and broken blasters.

