
Friday, December 21, 2012

No Immortality on Doomsday

While OMW is busy tossing their customers metal triggers (which I honestly could care less about), they're once again missing the mark.  Wasn't there something about a Longshot kit on 12-4-12?  Since it's been over a year for the initial preorder, I've been burnt out long enough on this kit.  Earlier in the fall I even decided to cancel the order, but even had problems with trying to do that... so I don't know if it actually got cancelled or not.  Now there's this fiasco about getting "Address Confirmation E-mails", of which I have not received.  At first, I took this as a sign that my order did actually get cancelled, but upon reading their fans responses, many others haven't gotten confirmation e-mails yet either.

Some folks have been defensive of Orange Mod Works in my recent rants about my opinion of how they've handled the Longshot Immortal kit, but a quick look back at the yearlong ordeal of this kit should make things pretty clear.  Every single time OMW has set an ETA or put a date on this kit, it's been blown past with delay after delay.  Additionally, they chug on acting as if nothing is wrong, offer up some other deals and freebies before actually answering the question of "what happened to the kit THIS time?"

Free Metal Triggers, coupons, and all that jazz doesn't do a thing for me.  Even if it turns out my order WAS indeed cancelled, I'm frustrated for the fans that are still waiting for OMW to get their act together and deliver when they say they will on this kit.  At this point, I don't care if the kit is any good or not.  All this "The wait will be worth it" is just a cheap ploy to dodge the bullets of the coma-inducing wait the Longshot Immortal kit has put their fans through.


  1. For God's sake, those Mayans were sacrificing humans (God's Children) to please their gods and superstitions and I just cant understand why even today the modern civilization still belives in the silly Mayan predictions ... They were devilish doing bone-chilling human sacrifices

    1. Read the post, Dr Love. The point of this post was never the silly Mayan apocalypse, religion, or believing any of it in the first place.

  2. I'm still waiting for my delivery confirmation...after not receiving an address confirmation email and having to reach out to them yet again....this has dragged on far too long.

  3. OMW was smart to do this promotion to take away from the fact that the kits are still not shipped more than two weeks after the ship date. Even though I have not had a kit break myself, the numerous reports destroyed of bolt sleds is just not good for PR. I am also wondering why there haven't been more metal kits, because as far as I know, they are not that much more expensive, and they are tons more durable.
    Rant by: Kronos

    1. As I understand it, metal parts don't ship internationally very well. They are mistaken for firearms parts. They've been focusing on Polycarbonate kits that, in my opinion, have come back to bite them a bit more than they would've liked.

      All the dryfire testing and durability testing they did on their Massacre kits was in vain, too.

    2. Just like you, my LS Massacre kits sled busted and I still have no reply back from OMW for a replacement. Their support sucks and I don't wish upon anyone to buy from them again.

  4. Looks like you would have to be an immortal to live long enough to actually receive the kit. I'll stick to using their springs, and leave the rest alone.

  5. THey were a good idea, but this business model or their engineering, not sure which, has panned out pretty poorly. Although, I do have one good thing to say about them that they replaced my broken bolt sled for free.

  6. Very happy with my Retaliator springs but yeah 9months ago I pre ordered the longshot immortal and still waiting..

  7. After waiting since November 2011, I have finally given up and asked for a refund. I hope I get at least that, but I have a sinking feeling that I have been scammed and the money is long gone.
