
Friday, December 7, 2012

Holiday Brawl

If you're like me, this Holiday season stresses you out a little bit.  And if you're like me, you've got hobbies and activities to keep you sane.  That's where my plan-a-saurus rex abilities come in handy. In the next couple of weeks I'll be planning up an Indoor Nerf game and an Outdoor Laser Tag game, ALL before Christmas hits!

I'll have details on both games as they happen.  The first is a Nerf game scheduled for the 16th.  Then we've got a Laser Tag game set on the 23rd.

And with that white precipitation upon us, I thought "Hey, I've done a lot of Winter stuff!"  Here's a few links to previous winter-inspired posts I've made.

Whiteout Series Spectre
Whiteout Conditions
Shedding Light on my Enemies
Life after Humans
Winter Laser Tag Game

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