
Friday, November 30, 2012

You're Invited!

I've decided to do something kinda... crazy.  Locally, I am known for planning Laser Tag events.  It's what I've been doing for 7 years with turnout between 25-35 attendees per game at nearly every event.  So I decided to take that networking that I've built up and blend it with my other hobby of Nerf in an attempt to reach more folks for my first planned outdoor game.  In the past, I have exclusively done Nerf games indoors and planned my big laser tag games outdoors (with a few indoor matches for campus and church groups).  While I was at it, I thought I'd take advantage of ANOTHER great networking tool... this blog!

While I don't expect much, I figured I'd open up the invitation to anyone reading this who can manage to get to the game.  The details can all be found on Facebook.  I have no idea what kind of turnout to expect from the short-notice nature of this plan... but I figure we don't get too many days in December with a projected high temperature of 64.

So I'm organizing a Nerf game using the Internet by utilizing the Community of friends and people that have been playing Laser Tag with me for 7 years and inviting the rest of the World Wide Web on my blog.  Will this game be considered an "NIC" game?  Probably not, as there's a shortage of pipe-dream blasters, Stefans, and masked YouTube stars.  Suits me just fine!


  1. This is slightly strange, but I've seen the posteresque nerf poster around the web before, and am slightly curious as to its creator.

  2. Nice poster. Also great Titan paint job. The blue seems to suit it a lot better compared to the Red.

    1. That's actually not a paint job. Check out this post to see what I mean>
