
Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Giveaway is Back!

After some careful planning and gauging interest from my frequent readers, I've decided to bring back the Giveaway.  I am too busy these days to do the giveaway in the same state it was before (weekly basis) so I've tweaked how things work for this.

Each month I will post up a contest that folks can enter to win a prize.  The contest rules will differ for each month and there will only be one winner per month.  Contest entries will be submitted as comments on a Page that I will update each month.  The link to that page is below.

Monthly Giveaway!


  1. I can't seem to comment on the page that has the monthly give away so I can post my picture. Idk if I am doing something wrong or not. But there is no comment box.

  2. Thanks Bazookafied!!

  3. I looked at the page and it doesn't seem to have a comments section. Submitting comments might be hard... :D

    I might have just missed it but it didn't show up for me
