
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Firestrike is smaller?

While watching the trickle of Elite news roll in, I couldn't help but notice that folks have been noting the size of the Firestrike is smaller than the NiteFinder.  I personally thought that the NiteFinder's size was just fine and worried that if the Firestrike were, in fact, smaller... that it'd be an issue.

Instead of AA batteries, there are AAA batteries.  This seems to further suggest that the blaster did indeed shrink a little more than I had anticipated.  Initially I was concerned about the size of the grip on this blaster but quickly realized that while Nerf had indeed sized down the Firestrike, they added a design element to remedy a potential problem for big hand users such as myself.  There's a bit of a "hook" in the lower grip design that extends down a little further, making room for folks with larger hands, while still keeping the basic size of the blaster slightly smaller.  It's an interesting way to make a smaller design still accommodate larger hands.  Just another reason why I'm personally psyched for the Firestrike's release.

1 comment:

  1. I'm psyched, too, since this is the first Nite Finder equivalent that actually looks good to me and is holsterable. Even better, I think this would fit in a drop-leg holster without any chopping, whereas the Nite Finder will not.
