
Monday, October 15, 2012

MLTA Recap 10-14-12

It's been awhile since I've had time for a good solid outdoor game during the Midwest Laser Tag Association's off season, but we finally got one in.  With the leaves crunchy, the cover thinning, and the space limited, long-range really had a leg up on this match.  Blasters like my LTX-EF5, Sundawg's Ultimate LTX, and the CTDYNE LTX, matches came down to who was more accurate.

Having good cover was tough to come by.  Almost everyone was in some form of camouflage so utilizing what cover we had was imperative to surviving in these games.  It was difficult getting reads on where you were getting hit from, which made for some extremely unorganized attacks for some teams during the course of the evening.

We had 12 people total show up for this game, which wasn't bad considering the RSVP for the Facebook event was only sitting at 6 the day before the match.  It was a great evening and my LTX-EF5 got some good kills during the course of the 4 matches we played.  I'll be finishing it up now that I've got a little more spare time ahead of me.
Next up is our Halloween Game, which means I've got some major work to do on my costume.  I'm about 90% certain that the Pulse Rifle will not be ready for the match since my programming guy is busy.  I'll likely be revamping my Captain America costume and a few of us will go as the Avengers for the game.  Either way, I've got plenty of costume stuff to get either my Colonial Marine or Cap together for it.

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