
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Laser Tag: Recap

Just finished up our annual Halloween Laser Tag game and, despite the cold, we had great turnout and played for a little over 3 hours!  Thanks to a full moon, the park was well lit even at full nightfall and we made good use of this to get lots of great games in before calling it a night.
What an awesome set of games, though!  We experimented with a few different settings for team, zombie, and Alpha Zombie games that were all a lot of fun.  We also got to debut a lot of newer customized gear.  From a sight mounted on an LTAR to the Tactical Tag 200,000 Pageviews blaster to my Captain America LTAR, there were quite a few new ones running around.  Costumes ranged from Mass Effect to Dr. Who.  While we had our usual "I'm in camo" costumes that don't quite count in my books, it was still a fun time.  Actually, I was probably one of the more easily spotted players in the whole group thanks to my primary colors.  To the left are a few of my favorite shots taken during the games.  14 total players made it out and we didn't have any gear malfunctions thanks to the Mod Night held the week before to prepare the battered LTX armory.
My costume held up quite well too, and it was really easy to move around in.  The UnderArmour kept me plenty warm and I didn't get any snags at all!  The Shield kinda helped me power through some tough branches and bushes and I kinda wish I had worked on my blaster a little more (could've used a better iron sight) but in the end, Captain America did pretty well considering how easy I was to spot during the games!  I'm looking forward to getting some more use out of this costume in the days to come.
So I'd say the whole evening was a huge success.  Fun costumes, great games, no problems, and some decent photos to prove it all!  On November 1st I'll have an announcement that most of my readers should enjoy.  Until then, I've got a few busy days ahead, so I'll probably take it easy on the hobby side until then. 


  1. It looks like you guys had a blast! I’ve never tried playing laser tag during Halloween, but that sounds so much fun! Hey, have you tried Human Foosball? Oh that game is exhausting but it's definitely great too! =)
