
Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Well, it looks like the Firestrike's design has been finalized.  It's a tad different color-wise from the Teaser on the Elite boxes we've seen so far, but the structure is the same.  I personally cannot WAIT for this, as I think it's the best looking pistol design I've seen in awhile.  I love the beefy tactical light, I love the color, the flat top tactical rail, and we all know it'll have great power with that NiteFinder plunger that's obviously in there. 

The question this blaster now throws up in the air is the legitimacy of things like the Elite Jolt and such.  This guy's bedspread has been the background for many questioned blasters.  However, I believe this Firestrike to be the real deal.  Does this mean the Elite Firefly Tech clip and the Elite Jolt are the real deal too?


  1. Now i have seen some people be skeptical about this but when seeing the old picture at it at once I can tell for sure that what we are seeing is not fake. 1 is that at the bottom of the gun you see 2 white lines not 1 like in the old photo. if someone was making a fake they would have copied the blaster as much as possible and that is a highly noticeable difference. 2 is that portions of the blaster can not be seen in the old picture so someone could not know what to put there.

    1. It's not uncommon for Nerf to change up paint jobs on a blaster before it's actual release. Even the Spectre REV-5's box art colors are slightly different from the actual blaster in the box. The shape and pieces on both versions of the Firestrike shown above are identical. It's just a matter of paint colors on the shell now.

  2. Assuming it is real, I'm going to be getting a couple to use as sidearms... Looks more comfortable than a Nite Finder is, especially one that has a 22kg spring installed in it...

  3. That's pretty nice looking! Looks half the size of a recon!

  4. seems all these nerf myths that you didn't believe are coming true bazookafied.

  5. That's the whole reason why I think they're legitimate. The ones that I had previously doubted (Reflex, Jolt) have been spotted on the same background as this Firestrike, which I'm certain is legitimate. It's kind of turned my initial speculation upside down.

  6. I personally preferred the Firestrike's look on the box rather than the actual design...
    I don't like something about the angles or something, yet I prefer the boxier look on the box.
    Obviously the box has the Firestrike on an angle, but I prefer the bulk rather than the angle for some reason.
