
Friday, October 19, 2012

Elite Fakes: Digging deeper

Color inverted to reveal detail
Gavin on the Tactical Tag Facebook Page sent a bit of evidence that has me scratching my head along with the rest of Nerf Nation.  This "Elite Reflex", while most have dismissed it as fake (myself included) does have some legitimate-ness to it.

"By the powers of Photoshop (Negative + "dodge" the words)
It says ©2011 hasbro, on the Elite Relfex... Hmm... This is beginning to look more legit."

Hmm indeed, Gavin! While it still doesn't check out for me personally... that's an awful lot of work to be done on a fake blaster just to fool some Nerf fans.

I still have my doubts about this guy, or the "Elite Jolt" for that matter, because of what we've seen from Nerf so far. Elite Blasters have different names, no "IX", "CS", or "EX" designations or model numbers, and have redone shells with the N-Strike Elite logo on them. Nerf has gone out of their way to redo these parts on blasters that have been rehashed into the Elite lineup, so why stop now?


  1. I think that the reflex is just getting re-done and might not be..well "elite". Of course while it does look like it is in elite colors. Now some people say they could have just molded a new slide,but on the slide it doesn't have the nerf logo on the same place,the "CAUTION" and such is placed to the right now instead of the left,and where it says "©2011 hasbro" well that's moved to the left instead of being near the top of the slide,if you know what I mean by all of this.

    1. That's an excellent observation. Didn't even THINK about the fact that there's no "Nerf" logo to be found on it...

    2. Nerf Logo's on the opposite side. ;)

    3. D'oh! Well wouldn't you know... this thing still has me puzzled.

    4. heh,I just had my reflex sitting next to me and found the differences to it. I also noticed that on the old reflex it doesn't say anywhere on it "Reflex IX-1. Now it does have the "NERF" logo on the other side but still isn't like the old reflex.

  2. Also, the rail is aligned with the back of the slide, whereas the original Reflex has it aligned with the front.

    1. Yes people have noticed it. Many are stating why someone couldn't have molded a new slide for it. You can easily mold a slide with the rail in the back. You can't easily mold a slide with printing on different parts of the slide like that.

  3. i havent belived your article saying that these are fake i belive that the jolt you posted about is real and was just used as a filler for the pocket on the tactical vest i think they just made 1 just for the purpos of the photoshoot and these were made before all of the elite branding and style were set in stone

  4. On the number code thing, TRIAD EX~3

    1. The Triad still hasn't really been confirmed by Hasbro, so we can't assume that's its final name or anything. It could have been a design they had prior that was cast with the NSE color scheme. Considering that they have the Rayven renamed without the number code, there won't be a number code with any other NSE blasters.

  5. Hope this ends up being sold in Target if it's real; I live somewhere with no other stores that have Nerf in stock year-round nearby, though if Walgreens does this year what they did last year I'm stocking up on the current Reflexes (favorite sidearm, makes me feel pirate-y since I carry them on a bandolier).
