
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Plan-a-saurus Rex

While I may not have been super busy with games, projects, or otherwise, don't think I've forgotten about it!  Life right now is a little busy, what with a new job, music gigs coming out my ears, moving into a new place, and just general life craziness, I haven't had time to actually pick up a blaster and mod it or have a game with friends recently.  Whilst running through this hobby drought, I do have a few things coming up quickly.

The first of those is a laser tag game coming up on October 14th.  There's also our Halloween Laser Tag game coming up on October 28th, so it'll be nice to tag it up outdoors again.

Next in line is related to that Halloween Laser Tag game.  Progress is slowly coming along on my Colonial Marine costume.  I have a few ideas on how to build/replicate the distinctive armor they used in the film and the Pulse Rifle isn't too far off from completion.

Lastly, a few friends have unofficially started organizing indoor and outdoor Nerf games too.  We'll be having more games and more modifications coming up as a result of that.

So while there's nothing really to report as far as games or gear for my hobbies, that's what's been on my "to do" list.  My other life commitments definitely take precedence over them, but I certainly haven't forgotten any of it!

1 comment:

  1. So, I'm wondering. Which movie should I see first, the 1979 Aliens or the 1986 one?
