
Sunday, August 19, 2012

What's on the Docket?

Across the board, things have been kinda quiet.  Not just on my blog, but my "Big 3" (SG Nerf, NM&R, Urban Taggers) have been kinda slow recently.  The reason?  Probably just that there's not a whole lot of new Nerf stuff out there and it's a transitional time.  Season is changing, kids are going back to school, and football nuts going to be living off of ESPN and Pepsi Max for awhile.  What am I up to?  Good question!

Right now, the MLTA (which I run) has just concluded it's 7th Summer Season and is now in "Off-Season" mode.  While we'll still have games every now and then, the focus shifts to MODS.  I really wanna get back to a few things that I had hoped to finish, like the Pulse Rifle, LTX EF5, and rewiring/repairing the LTX DMR to prep it for it's new owner.

I'm also working on a few things for our next Nerf game.  While my Elite Longshot is still likely going to be my primary for these games, the Elite Retaliator is really starting to grow on me.  It's been fun messing with different strength springs and testing stuff out, nothing set in stone, so I'll be sharing more info on that soon too.

Things in my personal life will be getting busier too.  My girlfriend (not married yet!  Rumor control!) has been studying abroad in Austria for the past 6 weeks.  Admittedly, I've had a lot more free time to spend on my hobbies to help distract me from the fact that she's been gone for so long.  She returns Wednesday which is great for me, not so much for my blog.  I'll also be getting a new job come September 1st, which will be taking a bit more of my time than my current job has.  While it's great for my wallet, I will have considerably less free time to shoot videos, do tests, and other blog-tastic stuff.

So that's where I'm at right now!  I've also got a big surprise for you guys coming up in early September, so while things might not be as busy as they have been in the past month or so, you might wanna keep tabs on the blog for that announcement that I'm kinda-sorta-really looking forward to.


  1. I've been to scared to ask that :P

    But it was a really good way to get views follower etc. ;)

  2. IKR!! everyone hasn't been posting NEAR as much

  3. Yeah. The giveaways were pretty fun. Made Friday seem to come a little faster. :P

  4. Oh man, I know all about the whole "life taking over hobby time" thing... I just scored a promotion that eats up a lot of time, moved house and riding always takes over as my main hobby in winter anyway. But damn, I always look forward to this blog's updates!

  5. if the giveaways do come back, I will be subscribing to this channel, and getting a blogger account.
