
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

They've found me. Is that good?

So recently I've noticed that my YouTube channel has been getting exponentially more views, subscribers, and comments.  With this increased exposure, I've also noticed a distinct rise in immature comments ranging from a simple disagreement with a test I've run to flat out cursing for little reason.  It doesn't really phase me much, but it makes me wonder... if this is what happens when you become "famous", why are so many folks seemingly obsessed with the idea of becoming "famous"?

Prepare for a rant!

I've done my bit on blogging awhile ago and, while it still doesn't seem like some people "get it", I'll just let that one go.  Today's rant is about "internet fame".  I get folks giving me compliments, saying I'm their "favorite modder" and stuff like that and while I certainly don't claim superiority at all, it is nice to hear that folks enjoy what I'm doing from time to time.  I keep posting stuff because people tend to like what I'm doing/take interest in the projects that I do.  A side-effect of that is gaining popularity online and initially I really liked this idea because it spread the word about Nerf and Laser Tag... not my name.  I'm in this for the hobby, not to get a cheap buck on advertisements from the hits I get on the blog and YouTube channel.  It just doesn't seem right to me to make folks click the "Skip Ad" button or have banners in-between my posts promoting products on Amazon.  I suppose if I was wanting to get famous on the internet (which is a lame goal) I'd want to be making money off that, but it's not part of the plan.

The plan, as it always has been, is to promote Nerf and Laser Tag through the various games and projects I have with them.  While doing this has gotten me "famous" in some circles, it's just another side effect.  For those of you who look forward to what internet fame has in store for you, prepare for a lot of idiots screaming bloody murder at your work.  It's much more fulfilling if you just do what you love and let the hordes of trolls and morons bounce off you.  Or sometimes it's fun to mess with them too ;)

It's probably best to keep in mind that the ones who don't like what you're doing will yell the loudest.  It can often overpower the legions of folks who do actually like what they see.  Still, if sifting through the spam and trolls is your idea of fun, then internet fame was MADE for you.  I'll keep doing what I'm doing and let the haters hate.  The plan here is still the same: have fun with Nerf and Laser Tag.  Folks seem to like it, so I'll just keep on keepin' on!


  1. I feel you man, My channel has been getting rapidly larger over the past few months and my videos have been getting a lot more views. But the problem is, even though there are some people out there that love what i do, theres basically a ton more that hate me and my guts and want to kill me and throw me into a river that was set on fire (As an example). But you are right, I dont care one bit about the trolls, but i love to respond to them because, hey, they left me a free comment anyway haha.

  2. I feel like one problem with the internet revolution is that people are pretty much anonymous and this leads to more hateful comments which in truth none of these people would have the guts to do to you in person

  3. Haters gonna hate, trolls gonna troll, and in general noone gives a damn.
    Unfortunately with internet fame comes internet idiocy. Such is the way of modern life unfortunately. And thanks to the way of modern society, there is no real way we can remove all the trolls from the internet.
    I sympathise with you, having been in a high school where a lot of people are like that. My blog hasn't quite run into that problem just yet thankfully.

  4. Hey, I completely agree, as a person who occasionally reads the comments on some of the Internet vids, I have noticed the unbelievable aggression of cowardly Internet haters. My theory is that they can say whatever they want, without anybody calling them out. If you say that your YouTube account is getting more views, subscriptions, and likes, then that means jealous haters, are going to try to bring you down to there level.
    My opinion on the matter is wow, being a hater on the Internet is really really low class.

  5. I don't understand. I don't see any gear in this post... :p

    I just get on this to see the info on laser tagging. It's great to have another, and more die-hard, enthusiast who does all the work of collecting interesting info into one spot. I drool slightly over the EF5, but otherwise, I just come here for the info. Good work, Bazookafied.

  6. I respect anyone who deserves respect. I respect you as a modder(not in to laser tag). Zook, just do what you do and.....Bloody Murder!!! -som ting wong

  7. thank you for that, I am a 14 years old teen and I (personally) do not like going on to a site about Nerf stuff that I tell my younger friends about and seeing all the cursing from the site author as well as the people commenting for no apparent reason. thank you Bazookafied for trying to keep this site this post :)

  8. zook calm,down. sheesh- the more you keep doing rants the more likely you are to be "trolled"

    1. In the Year-and-a-half I've been doing this, I think I've maybe done 2 or 3 rants tops. That's pretty serious stuff, so I'll tone it down just for you ;)

    2. personaly zook i enjoy your rants

    3. glad you think of me that way, private.

  9. well, truth be told, you ARE my favorite nerfer, due to the fact that I'm a budding laser tag 'geek' and already a nerfer.===
    I had an idea. why not use a focusable camera lens (removable, of course) so that you can snipe, AND shotgun everyone?

  10. Haters gonna hate. You gotta keep producing these great blogs mate as many people like myself love reading them! Sam
