
Monday, August 27, 2012

LT Website comes up short

Hasbro has launched the "official" Lazer Tag website.  While it's good to have online presence, the website itself overlooks a major factor that I see as a marketing flaw that is reflected in their advertisements abroad, including the box.  Take a look around the website and what you'll find is a complete lack of anything indicating that this can be used without the iOS device.  To show you how confident I am, I'll give an LTAR blaster to the first person who can show me on the website where they show the LTAR being used without an iOS Cradle.  Even in the videos, if you can find a screenshot of the blaster without an iOS, I'll gladly send you your own LTAR.
The only mention of the LTAR being able to function without an iPod or iPhone is in small white text on the side of the box.  Nowhere on the website or in any commercial is there ANY mention of using the blaster like this.  Even in the FAQ section they completely glaze over the fact that the LTAR works without the iOS, which seems to be the main deterrence for sales of this new system.

The MLTA has been using the LTAR in games recently with great success.  95% of the time, blasters are used without the iOS and work and perform just fine in games.  They're simple to use and work great in our team games.  So, since Hasbro won't tell you... I suppose it's up to Tactical Tag.  Help me spread the word about the LTAR and get the confusion out of the way.  The LTAR is great with or without the iOS!

Below are videos of all the testing I've done on the LTAR.  Feel free to share them!  Thanks for your support!


  1. It should also be noted that when the iPod cradle is attached it can never be removed.

    1. You can remove it. You just gotta be smarter than Hasbro. Read the comment below in this post.

    2. The key word is "compatible". Nowhere does it say an idevice is required. I didn't know that they could be used without an idevice until I saw your videos. That's why I bought the Light Strike guns the other day for my nephew. I returned them yesterday after visiting your site and bought six of the LTAR's. Thank you, because these LTAR's are awesome. We can hit eachother from about 400 feet away (that's sick). The light strike only went about 100 feet. I originally bought the guns for my nephew and his friends but him and I have been playing with them mostly.

    3. I'm so happy the information on this blog and YouTube channel helped you out! Enjoy your LTARs!! Thanks for your support!!

  2. If you feel like doing a little modding you can make the cradle removeable. You can use a dremmel tool for an easier time or you could use a razorblade like I did. I shaved down the clips on the bottom of the cradle, not the gun. Then I used pliers and bent back the clip on the back of the cradle and twisted it off. I then filed down the jagged edges. Now it is removeable. I've shaked the gun upside down with an iPhone inside and it hasn't slipped out. It feels snug but I'm sure if you're uncomfortable, some velcro, double sided tape or rubber bands could secure it a little better.

  3. It's listed in the FAQ. No video that I can find

    1. My bad read it wrong

    2. The instruction manual that came with the gun says "2. ATTACH THE CRADLE TO THE BLASTER
      Push cradle downn until it clicks into place.
      Once attached it cannot be removed."

    3. And yet, I'm able to attach and disconnect the cradle from my blasters with one simple tool: pliers. There's a square peg that you pull back on with pliers that releases the plastic lock that holds the cradle in place and slide up to disconnect it.

      It can be done. You've just gotta be smarter than the instruction manual.

    4. I tried with pliers but it didn't work for me. I thought the clips on the bottom of the cradle lock it in as well as the clip on the back of the cradle. Ah well, it doesn't matter, I returned the one that had the cradle stuck on to it and got a replacement. Now, all my cradles have been modded to have no clips at all.

  4. Where in the FAQs did you find it? I just looked, theres one that says 'can I play without the blaster', but nothing about playing without the app. --GL

  5. I believe you're right; after a 15 minute search on my part... I checked their Facebook as well, and have found no mention on their part. I would tend to disagree as to it being a sales problem however: parents (the number one buyer in my opinion) would tend to purchase multiple of these rather then looking up smarter options if they didn't know the smarter options existed...

  6. Sorry guys... I'm from Italy... I'm a Huge nerf fan since there was no nerf products in Italy, so I'm quite used to shipping cost and stuff like that...

    Seems like the only way for me to buy an LTAR is using, but the shipping costs are too hight! It almost double the price...

    Any other way to buy two of this guns?

    1. I don't know how you could get them cheaper unless you found them on an online auction or something like that. Shipping costs for a product that has to be imported is always going to hurt your wallet.

  7. Can you use the sights with the cradle attached? I see a small hole in it...
    I think that they made a major marketing mistake, making it look like the "app blaster", basically a gimmicky gun attachment for an iphone game! At least Wii golf clubs/tennis/steering wheels/guns, etc, are cheap. I hate to say it, but the marketing people for Shoot the Moon should be fired... again. They make such awesome gear, make it all backwards-compatible, but then it's sales time and I fear another crunch. I will wait until the stuff goes on clearance.
    Why does it always seem like home laser tag products are so cool but so poorly marketed? Look at Battle Tag. What a cool idea, but even the preview at E3 was exceedingly lame. I wasn't sure if it was a virtual reality vest or a foot race timer.
    If only there was some way to get Hasbro's attention, en masse. Do they have a facebook page to spam?

    1. I haven't managed to figure out how to use the blaster's iron sights with the Cradle on. I'd say about 90% of the time I just use the blasters in their basic form. I only really use the Cradle when I'm playing the single player game or when I'm trying to get in-game footage. Only used the app to run a game once or twice.

      But yeah, I agree with your thoughts on Laser Tag marketing. They're focusing too much on trying to make it gimmicky when really just playing the game of laser tag is a lot of fun in itself.

    2. "One for you. One for a friend. Get this 2 Blaster Battle Pack and get everything you need to turn your world into a battlefield."
      There. It clearly says that the two blaster pack is all you need to have a battle. How do I get my prize?

    3. I think he meant show me where they right out and say it.

  8. when will the hosting come?

  9. ummm its on there in black and white
