
Sunday, August 26, 2012


Requirement for the Nerf Party was apparently
 looking like a JC Penny model.
So last week I saw a Hailfire on local shelves.  Not only did I realize that I hadn't really been looking for it, but even when I DID find it, I didn't have enough interest in it to buy it at the time.  Just seems awfully expensive for a blaster of it's size and for the accessories (or lack thereof) that it comes with.

On the one hand, the tinkerer in me wants to see how this rotating clip thing works.  However, I'm finding that's really the only reason I'm remotely interested in picking one up.  There's already a lot of great reviews out there and I'm not really a fan of repeating old news... so here's my charge to you:

I'll pick up the Hailfire if YOU can think of some tests I could do with it that haven't been done yet.  That'd really be the only thing that would motivate me to drop ~50 dollars on the flagship of the Elite Lineup.

Oh, and where have I been the last week?  My girlfriend is finally back in town, getting my schedule set up for my new job and my music gigs/shows coming up, chasing storms, and having fun with Subarus.  Consider last week my "Vacation" from hobbies!  I'll be back with something on Monday (August 27th).


  1. I have yet to see someone use stefans in the hailfire.

    1. Stefans in Hailfire will probably be the same as the Rayven, so no big deal.
      I personally can't think of anything special you can do, so no real point getting it IMO.

  2. See if the flywheels fit into a barricade

  3. If your going to spend $50 spend it on the Pyragon, even if you already have one!

  4. Has anyone played around with the voltage yet?

  5. I heard the hailfire can get up to 164 in ammo by using 4 35 drums and 4 clips, does that work?

  6. The clip rotation mechanism is basically the old Hyperfire / Maverick / Barricade / etc rotation mechanism pointing down. It includes all the disadvantages of said mechanism. I'm really confused as to why they didn't use the Swarmfire type mechanism or even a new one that accounts for empty slots. That being said, if dumping out 140 shots without reloading doesn't amuse you, you should probably look at a different blaster.

    If you leave the two removable clip protection plates off, you can reload a clip without taking it out. The clip retention mechanism is more than stiff enough to handle such reloading. Just get a strap.

    My Walmart carries it for 33.87.

    1. You know, that's an excellent idea. Never thought about top-loading the clips with those covers removed.

    2. Never thought of that, although the first thing I thought of when I found out the side plates are removable was "If I get one, I'm never putting on the side plates." Excellent idea!

  7. See how high you can crank up the voltage before it breaks.
    See if you can mod two together to make a monster of a NERF gun.
    Test it's effectiveness during an actual NERF War/ HVZ Game.
    Try making a motorized turret like people did with the Vulcan, but also rotates the clips automatically.

  8. About three weeks ago I was at my local Kmart and they had 7 hailfires but no other Elite products. Still don't want one because to shoot 144 darts you must load 144 darts.

  9. Instead of getting a Hailfire, make a +bow. It's only twenty dollars more ($70), and it's about time you got into homemades. Because, the way I see it, Nerf blasters have a certain limit, but the world of homemades is truly limitless.

    Also, are you a rally racer? If you are, I'm not even jealous; I'm just impressed!

    1. I'm actually thinking of doing a post on WHY I haven't made any homemade blasters before. I get a lot of questions/requests to do this, but there's a few reasons I don't.

      Heh, I don't quite rally just yet. I know several friends who do Rallycross with their Subarus, but sometimes I just like to get out and have fun in the mud with my AWD. My '12 Impreza is a little too new to start beating up in a Rallycross environment.
