
Monday, July 9, 2012

Update time!

So I've had a busy weekend, busier than I originally planned.  Anyways, this post is really just to let you know of all the crazy fun schtuff I've got planned.  First being that the LTX EF5 is slated to be operational this week.  We've got a game planned for Friday and I've got Tuesday thru Thursday to work on it.  Pretty sure I can get her working before then thanks to parts from jerm781's LTX 3K!  I'm confident I can get it complete before the month is up, so keep it here for those updates.

Second, I'll have a full review, pictures, and possibly even a bit of a mod guide for basic stuff on the N-Strike Elite Retaliator.  I'll also be doing a lot of testing with the Elite darts to see how they perform in high performance blasters.  My Big Bad Bow, Whiteout Longstrike, and Elite Longshot will be testing these darts out to see if they're balanced better than those fishtailing streamlines.

It's gonna be a fun week!  If there's anything you'd like to see about either of these two projects, post up a comment.


  1. Hey Bazooka, I know that this is kinda random, but I am making polycarbonate internals for the nite finder, and I was wondering if you could do a promotion.

  2. You got a Retaliator!? Now I am jealous. Did you have to go to Georgia for it?

  3. Could you please do range tests that are parallel to ground and angled to ground?
