
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Retaliator Modding

So I've had my fun with the stock Retaliator.  Now it's time to see if I can get it to surpass my Elite Longshot.  75 ft flat was my target for this blaster, since I just wanted it to hit the ranges we all thought it could beforehand.  Well... turns out that a simple AR removal and a spring upgrade later that it's already hitting that and THEN some!

I was pretty surprised to see that kind of power so quickly.  The spring I used was from some old broken Buzzbee shotgun that someone wanted me to do a Laser Tag recasing with (which I never did end up doing since the shell was too unstable).  That spring was a good fit for the Retaliator... a REALLY good fit!  So not only am I going to be tinkering with my Retaliator some more, but now I've got work to do on my Elite Longshot to make sure it's still my top dog.  Then again, it wouldn't be too bad if a smaller, more versatile blaster like the Retaliator was a primary. Hmm...

Oh, and while I was at it, I tried to take a better picture of the Firestrike on my Retaliator box.  Hope this helps the speculation a little more!  Feel free to use it for your own discussions if you need a better resolution photo to work with.  Sharing is caring!


  1. When you say 'buzz bee shotgun' do you mean the double shot?

    1. I think so. It's a side-by-side barrel that you tilt downwards to prime. Pretty cheap design from what I could see though, as the priming mechanism was broken. There's some rope inside it too.

    2. Yeah, that's a double shot.

  2. looks like the firestrike has 2 triggers but i cant see any light and it looks unlikely its a flywheel.

    1. Granted, we only have a side-view of the blaster, so anything mounted on the front like a light or another barrel is pretty much impossible to see.

  3. ok that thing = BEAST, no doubt i freakin want one SO BAD, that might even be my LTAR recase project idk, maby even a raven ill be happy with either!

    1. You've already got two Recon-style recasings... I'd leave this one alone. It's a great Nerf blaster in itself. I'd use a Rayven before I ever gutted a Retaliator. These internals just have too much potential!

  4. Bazookafied,
    Which blaster would be better in a primary-only war?(Your personal choice)
    The Pyragon or a Retaliator with extra 18-dart clips?

    1. I haven't gotten my hands on a Pyragon yet, so I can't really say which I think would be better in that matchup.

  5. Oh dang. Now I REALLY want a Retaliator.

    1. It's in stock for sale on the target website, also the rampage.

  6. i would love to see a test video of the vortex and elite line again, also can you give us exact ranges. And these results come from only taking out the AR and adding a buzz bee double barrel shotgun spring, correct?

    1. SpectreX has made a video comparing Vortex and N-Strike Elite, but I could do some more testing if you want. And yes, the results I got were just from the AR out and that spring. She's working GREAT! I love it!

  7. A Double Shot spring??? I have 2 laying around from a Double Shot my friend managed to crack in half attempting to prime it... The ironic thing is that the only use for a Double Shot is taking the springs out for a Retaliator :)

  8. hey, since us aussies haven't got our hands on the retaliator yet, could you tell me if it's internals will fit recon shells or have they tweaked it a little from the recon to make the new internals fit?

  9. how do you get a spring out of the plunger casing for a double shot?

  10. after taking out the locks has the retaliator been bit sticky to prime back?

    1. Not so much sticky, but it likes to catch a little odd. But usually I prime mine pretty hard anyways, so I don't notice it much.

  11. I replaced the spring with the buzz bee spring, but it tends to make the gun jam since the spring is slightly too small. Has anyone else been successful? It is a bit too tight against the plunger and slips out to the back catch ... so what can I do?

  12. Modworks has a write up on Modding the retaliator and they sell an aftermarket spring that's perfect

    1. That's great, but I did these mods before OMW came out with their stuff. That, and I'm kinda fed up with OMW in regards to their Massacre and Immortal kits.
