
Monday, July 2, 2012

Inside the LTAR

With the next step in the Lazer Tag line coming to us in less than a month now, I'm loving all the new info coming in from a big event held that had the LTAR and it's creator on site to show off this great blaster.  TagFest Northwest is pretty much the mecca for Laser Tag fans.  It's an annual event that attracts all my tagging heroes and, among them this year, was TagFerret: the mastermind behind the LTTO, LTX, and now the LTAR.  He had units on hand to dig into and play games with and WindJammer got this nice video that gives us insight to the next generation of laser tag.

Shot of the internals.  Very simplistic!  Great for modding!
At 5:45 in the video, TagFerret personally takes you through the LTAR and it's iOS.  A surprising addition?  The "Air Strike".  Watch around 9:00 in the video to see what I'm talking about.  TagFerret also announces that while the LTAR base design will stay the same and the App will be updated with new features and weapon modes, that there will also be new blaster designs in the future that will still be able to work with the iOS cradle and Lazer Tag App.  This is a great sign for the life of the LTAR and it's success on the shelf!

Keep it here for the latest information as well as my personal review of this blaster!


  1. i hope i can get this early... i mean, my friends think that lazer tag is dumb, because there is no "CoD" feel to it...
    this looks a lot more fun than LTTO or the LTX. i hope that these come to my target early...

  2. I'm just hoping for a decent UK release, after Battle Tag's complete let down.
    LTAR looks fantastic
