
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Elite Dart Testing: Flywheels

A week or so ago I did lots of testing with the newest darts Nerf has made: The Elite Dart.  However, as some of you pointed out on here and on YouTube, I did not include any flywheel-driven blasters.  Since my collection focuses mainly on Nerf-brand blasters, the Barricade and Rayven are in line to test out these new darts.

As I started to run tests and began filming, I realized that there were more variables I wanted to test.  Since many of the things I wanted to test were a result of questions asked by readers and viewers, I thought I'd go over what my test schedule consists of and see if you guys had any more suggestions before I started with them.  Here's the plan so far.

Stock Voltage Tests
  • Streamline Darts 
  • Elite Darts 
Battery Upgrade Tests
  • Lithium Upgrade 
    • Streamline Darts 
    • Elite Darts 
  • Ultrafire Upgrade 
    • Streamline Darts 
    • Elite Darts 

Rayven Clip Size Tests

  • 12 Round Clip 
  • 25 Round Drum

I realize there's a lot here to cover, so I may end up doing multiple videos for some of this.  Either way, if there's more testing you'd like to see done with these Flywheel blasters and their use of new gear from the Elite Lineup, post a comment and I'll add it to my list!  If not, I should have this testing completed by Monday night.


  1. Cool. I was wondering when you would do testing with flywheel blasters.

  2. Out of curiosity, is the 12 round retaliator clip more comfortable then an 18round stampede mag in the raven?

  3. hmmm, I'm not too sure that elite darts will work in stock barricades. From memory streamlines don't work well in stock barricades due to the flywheels being sized to suit whistlers, not steamlines and so the dart pusher rod's has to be extended to be able to push the dart far enough so that the flywheels catch on the body of the dart when you do the clip fed mod to it.

    1. I may have to do the electrical tape mod to my Barricade. The Stockade (which is based off the barricade) uses the Elite Darts would need to have their motors closer together anyways in order to catch those darts.

    2. Don't do that e-tape mod without testing first. The Barricade works even better with elite darts than it does with whistlers!

  4. include standard battery test please

    1. Kinda have that covered under "Stock Voltage Tests".

  5. buzzbee tommy 20, anyone?

  6. Rapid-fire vs single fire. If I'm remembering correctly, range increased when the trigger was pulled faster.


  7. I think the distance and voltage tests will be really promising because I have already done the distance with theese blasters, but should also do the power difference of theese two darts when the shoot out of the blaster.
