
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Draconis: Rockets for All!

Awhile back, NM&R helped promote a Kickstarter project by the real "Drac": Draconis of Nerf Haven.  He's always been a great help to me whenever I've had questions on the Nerf IRC and has even hooked me up with some nice Laser Tag gear, so when it came time to support the project, the answer was simple.  Donate and get some rockets outta the deal!

I received 3 rockets from Draconis as well as a Titan adapter, all of which I test out in this video.  First, I do a control round of Titan rockets with a stock blaster.  Then I add the adapter and fire the Draconis rockets.  Even on a stock blaster, the power, accuracy, and range increase.  They're great rockets and I'm really happy with this reward for pitching in with the Kickstarter project.


  1. When will they be available for sale????

    1. They already were. If you donated to the Kickstarter project, you got rockets. Depending on how much you donated set how many rockets you received.

  2. Wow these are cool, may I ask how the quality of rockets are compared to a stock Titan rocket?

    1. The fins are definitely thicker/stronger than the ones on the Titan. Durability seems to be as good if not better all around.
