
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Last of the LTXs?

Taking care of the fleet.  The MLTA operates 18 LTXs.
Whenever folks ask me where to buy Lazer Tag Phoenix blasters, I always point them to since they've been listed at $59.99, which is the cheapest price for a new set.  However, now it looks like their price has spiked which means one of two things to me.

  1. This is likely the last batch of LTXs
  2. The LTAR will be replacing them soon!
The price for a set of basic Nerf-brand LTXs is now sitting at $127.58, which is FAR from worth it!  If there's any LTXs left at Toys R Us (which is the only other place to find a new set), they're still sitting at a $79.99 pricetag, which isn't TOO bad.  They're also listed as "out of stock for shipping", which further strengthens my theory that these are the last of them.  Considering that the LTAR is about a month away from release with single blasters being sold for ~30 bucks and a set of two for ~60, it's probably better to wave goodbye to the LTX and embrace the next step in the Lazer Tag Brand's evolution!

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