
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Taggin it Up!

Veterans and Newbies combine as this team
swept their opponents in a recent game
Season 7 is off to a great start!  Since our first game at the beginning of the month to kick things off, we've had great turnout and enjoyable games.  At first, I was worried that with the switch to the LTXs for our normal games that we would have equipment loaning issues, but with our average turnout for games sticking to the low 20s, we've been doing alright in that area.

Games have gone very smoothly and folks seem to enjoy the switch so far.  I've been busier with things outside of my hobbies that have prevented me from breaking more ground on the hobby side of laser tag, but these games have kept things fun and have been a great way to break up my workload each week.

Fleeing from that deadly infrared light!
Fight Nights #1 and #2 are in the bag now, as well as an extra game that was held during one of our "off" weeks.  We've also seen a great mix of veteran players and new faces for these games that have helped keep things fresh.  This is especially helpful to a group of taggers that have been doing this for over half a decade at the same park.  The mix of Middle School, High School, and College age kids has been much better than I expected.  I think having some of the younger folks there helps keep the edge of "super serious strategical" players that have been doing this for awhile.  At least, that's how I've viewed it!

After his blaster caught up with all the hits he had taken
the dome remained red = he's dead
We almost lost Fight Night #2 to Mother Nature, when a hot and humid day looked to fire cells of thunderstorms across the area.  We still managed to get in 3 games before calling it off under looming storm clouds.  Left some of our veteran players some downtime to grab some earlier-than-expected dinner and just hang out/watch some Eddie Izzard stand up.  Good times!

Pulse Rifle progress is sitting where we last left our heroes: SO close... but still not operational enough to be fielded.  With a busy life outside my hobbies keeping me from the workbench, I haven't had much time to even look into fixing my glitchy LTX DMR for games.  When it comes down to it, there's still fun games to be had and at the end of the day, that's my favorite part of this.  The hobby side is good and all when there's no games to play, but if I didn't love the game itself, there'd be less meaning to the hobby for me.

1 comment:

  1. in 2 more posts Tactical Tag will make it one years worth of posts!
    just wanted to let you know
