
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mod Night: April 25th

Had another mod night that covered a lot of ground but also revealed how much more work we have ahead of us.  We mainly centered our sights on laser tag, though we did test out the new Xplorer Longstrike grip (Video coming soon).  For the most part, we are preparing blasters for our next summer season of Laser Tag.  To the left, German and Eleri work on a modified Tag Master Blaster from the LTTO lineup.  They're essentially repairing a poor mod job done by someone else to get it back up and running.

I mainly focused on getting the Pulse Rifle ready to be LTX Compatible.  There's still a lot to be done though, but we're hoping to have most of it done by next week.  German now has a 3D Printer that's going to be making housings for the 3 mounted sensors on the Pulse Rifle.  One on top and one on each side.  The sensors will be wired into the main board (Arduino Mini) and hit lights will also be installed on the blaster so it'll light up when it's shot.

German seems pretty confident that we can get it running, even in a basic configuration, over the next two weeks, so I'm hoping to have a lot more to show than just an image of internals.

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