
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Midwest Laser Tag Association Logo?

So the long-time name of my laser tagging group has been the "Omaha Laser Challenge Association" since 2006.  We're based in Omaha, Nebraska.  We use Laser Challenge gear.  It just made sense at the time.  Fast forward to the present day, where the OLCA is now switching over to the LTX for our main equipment to promote the new LTAR gear coming out this summer (and this gear just happens to work a lot better for us).  We also play at locations outside of the Omaha Metro Area, so with all this change going on, it warranted a name change as well.  We have since expanded into the "Midwest Laser Tag Association" but now we lack a cool logo.  The old OLCA logo was nifty and all, but I need something new for the MLTA.  I figured with the abundance of graphic designers out there in the Nerf/Laser Tag world that maybe some of YOU would have an idea or two to submit for us to use. 

Long story short: I could use some ideas for a new MLTA logo!  Post links in the comments section of your ideas and we'll go from there!  Thanks in advance!


  1. i know someone thats a wiz with logos and creating things on his computer i can hook you up with him. He will work for free

  2. I like the logo you guys have now (except for the "Est:2006", it looks like it was added in last second by someone else), it has a nice tech look to it.

    If anything, you could make it look a bit more sleek to go with the new LTAR products. I'd say take the colors from the LTAR taggers, but orange is really overused in the world of toy gun logos and website layouts. White and blue might look good together; the white could offset and help part of the logo pop out.
