
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Got the Blues? May not be a bad thing!

Blue Trigger Speedload 6 from Bradi28
It's no secret: blue is my favorite color.  What with this blog's theme mainly being blue and black, I'm pumped for the new look for the Nerf N-Strike Elite line (blue), got a Blue Team Jersey, got a Blue Team Flag shirt from the guys at RoosterTeeth, it's Blue all the way for me.  However, there's been information running around out there that hasn't really gone mainstream about Blue Triggers on Dart Tag blasters.  We all know the Dart Tag Speedswarm had a blue trigger, but now there's other blue trigger versions of the previous Dart Tag blasters that may have some more "oomph" to them.

Urban Taggers, while I still pray for their safe return to the blogging world, gave us a clue with an article on a blue trigger Sharp Shot that is supposed to be "more powerful" than the original.  I haven't seen much more news about this.  There's also sightings of a Speedload 6 with a blue trigger.  Neither of these blasters have proper range tests or measurements on firing range, which has me itching for information about it.  Bradi28 has a firing video of this and, while it does sound like it has some more power to it, these tests don't show us the actual range they get.

Why would I care so much about better ranges in Dart Tag blasters?  Think about it this way: Nerf has been expanding ranges on blasters recently with the flagship of their "New-and-improved" ranges being the highly anticipated N-Strike Elite lineup.  Everyone has been wondering HOW Nerf is claiming 75 ft ranges on these new blasters, but I think we may have clues in these supposedly higher-powered Dart Tag blasters with answers to this.  By finding out how the Sharp Shot and Speedload 6 have been tweaked, we might get an idea of what kinds of changes Nerf has made to the Recon and Raider that have been retooled as the Retaliator and Rampage in the Elite lineup coming out in August of 2012.

So far, all of these blue-trigger variants (aside from the Speedswarm) are in the UK only.  Even this Swarmfire on the UK site for Toys R Us has the blue trigger, but no mention of better ranges.  It's confusing and there isn't much hard information out there as far as ranges go or if this only applies to the Sharp Shot.  I haven't been able to find information about the Speedswarm and Speedload 6 blue trigger variants to see if they too have longer ranges.

Anyone else got hard intel on these fellas?  Even if it's just the Sharp Shot that's got the upgraded ranges, I'd like to know more!


  1. You make a very interesting point, Bazookafied!

  2. I was the one who commented on the Blue trigger post on NM&R about the blue trigger swarmfire. It does indeed shoot further. Almost 45 feet infact!


  3. I actually was able to find all of the BLue triggered DTG blasters on my trip to SG. although prices were pretty high, I did pick up the sharp shot. It seems to have more power and has something very very interesting. It may even be a concept to be used in the Elite Series. There is a weird AR... it has 2 prongs and seems to let more air through. The plastic that makes it is blue, too. Hmmm I'll have a vid up on my channel soon enough, I'll update ya when I do. ;)

    1. The original Sharp Shot also has a 2-pronged AR.

  4. i was the guy who was firing the sharp shot. LOL brad you finally got to be "famous"!

  5. ha my blaster on tactilcal tag wow

  6. they also have a blue trigger on the quick 16 0n the box

  7. As I suspected on hearing about the speedswarm and rev 2 sharpshot having blue triggers and getting better stock ranges, these seem to be some sort of unspoken "New Dart Tag Elite" line and are all hitting about 40-45 stock. I would guess the blue triggers are eventually going to play some role in competitive use of these guns as an easy way to identify older Dart Tag League spec guns from the new turned-up ones, which (combined with the cancellation of NDTL for '12) seems to point to some sort of restructuring/reworking of NDTL, possibly into something more mature and less lame?

    In any case, with these things and the NSE guns hitting what sounds like 50 flat stock, HVZ newbies will be having an easier time without modding and that is something to look forward to usually being human in a big game.

  8. do they all shoot further?

    pic obtained from Oznerf
    A Toyworld down in Aus, Swarmfires with the same green label as the new Sharp Shots (fires farther than ever!)

  10. Hey guys, I have a question: Can you confirm whether the blue-triggered Quick 16 exists? :)

    1. No confirmation of this yet. So far the Blue triggered blasters (except for the Speedswarm) are only released overseas. Those markets never got their hands on the Quick 16 for some reason, so they don't even have the normal orange triggered version.

  11. Thanks buddy, I have been looking into this problem for a while. Currently, the Quick 16 (2011 version) isn't available in Australia, (or my neck of the woods, Tasmania.) And all of the Quick 16's on eBay are too expensive for my liking. But all of the others have been released, in blue triggers, here in Aus. (I kinda have a habit of completing the full set :P, so I've been asking around for a while.) Thanks for the help, mate. :)

  12. Where do u get a blue trigger speedload 6

    1. "all of these blue-trigger variants (aside from the Speedswarm) are in the UK only"
