
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

theDocument: OMW Longstrike Priming Ideas

What'd I tell ya?  Keep an eye on that Document blog I talked about a little while ago, right?  Well, if you've been keeping tabs on them like I have, you've seen their Orange Mod Works Longstrike Massacre kit priming solutions that have me grinning up a storm.  Shoutouts aside, it's great to see some simple ingenuity applied to a problem that can plague bolt-action blasters that have really tough springs, namely the Longstrike.  In general, I also appreciate his extreme professionalism and care he shows to the hobby of Nerf, what with his impressive armory, workstation, and insightful ideas that he applies to stuff.  Check out his blog and his YouTube channel and subscribe/follow this guy.  This is no flash-in-the-pan blog and I'm excited to see what's in store next!!

1 comment:

  1. looks like a great blog, added to the reading list! I have another idea for a one hand priming mod... need to gather some modding materials first though.
