
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Game Summary 3/17

So I had been bothering my friend who had taken photos during the games we held indoors on my college campus.  Well, not only do I have the photos now, but we also managed to play an outdoor game today.  I've got pictures from both last week's event AND this week's.  While there has been quite a bit of a lull in my usual activity, what with my life taking a bit more of my time than it usually does, I'm hoping pictures and details of these two games will keep you occupied until I can resume my normal activity that you've come to expect.

So this first set of pictures are a few highlights from the Nerf indoor game that we had last weekend.  I tried out a BUNCH of my new blasters I had been working on recently.  The "Elite Longshot, the Modified Big Bad Bow, and the Rayven.  Of the three that I tried out, the Longshot ended up being the best candidate for the games.  In fact, during one of our games, I was only hit twice during the entire duration of the 20 minute match. These are a few pictures from that game.  Saturday's game took nearly 5 hours, with things opening with our Nerf matches and then switching things over to Laser Tag with my LTXs for the second half.  I hope you enjoy them!

If you have questions about them or concerning how we run games or anything like that.  I'll be happy to answer them!


  1. Looks pretty sweet. How many folks were you able to gather together for this event?

    I should really spend some time asking around our local university to see about the borrowing the use of some larger spaces. I haven't been nearly as industrious in that area as I could be; and you seem chock full of ideas for reapplication. I assume you didn't have to bribe anybody? :)

    1. We gained permission to play on campus by hosting the game for the college Hockey Band. I'm also a music major, so I know the building manager.

  2. Nice!How much do you charge people to use your blasters?Also are the blasters that you lend people always modified?


    1. I don't charge a penny for borrowed gear. Almost everything I bring is modified in some way, usually the basic stuff.
