
Friday, March 2, 2012

BullsEyeNerf got it this week? Will you "Light it Up" next?

This modded Tech Target will serve his name well, as the blaster is super accurate!  BullsEyeNerf is our winner this time!  Congrats to him!!  And, as always, thanks to everyone who take part in these Giveaway posts!  I look forward to Friday every week because this is a lot of fun for me, reading through the entries, putting all the names in my Red Sox hat, and picking one at random.  Thanks for all your support!

This week's question is regarding Firefly Tech.  The N-Strike Clip and Vortex Magazine that can fire glow-in-the-dark darts out of any Clip or Magazine fed blaster are pretty cool and have been getting a lot of attention since Nerf's "Light it Up" commercials... regardless of how poorly scripted those may or may not be!  Justin Bieber Abercrombie & Fitch models aside, what's your take on the Firefly Tech?

If you haven't guessed it by now, the question's theme is almost ALWAYS related to the prize for the week.  Yeah, that's right!  I'm giving away a fully-loaded Firefly Tech N-Strike Clip from the Rayven!  While I'll be keeping my precious Rayven CS-18, this Firefly Tech clip is up for grabs in this week's Weekly Giveaway (Valid from March 2nd - 8th).  The picture only shows the clip, but I can assure you, it'll come with those 18 Glow-in-the-dark Streamlines!  Good Luck, everyone!


  1. I think its a gimmick. Nerfing in the dark can be pretty dangerous. Not only that but the delivery/execution of firefly tech is pretty poor. Only 1/2 the dart at best is barely illuminated compared to the commercials where the darts look like little laser beams from star wars. Also because of the weak lighting inside the clip I think as the game progresses the darts will lose their illumination and could eventually be lost if the players really do play in the dark out doors with little to no lighting.

  2. Awesome ness. :P I got to get a firefly clip, dont have one.

  3. I think they're pretty cool, the glowing darts almost look like laser bolts from Star Wars when you fire them in the dark. The darts also look pretty sweet loaded in a OMW Massacre kit. I don't like that Nerf recolored the Praxis for the Vortex, but I really like the Rayven, I haven't gotten around to modding mine though.

  4. Simply awesome. I loved the original Firefly tech and think Nerf has done a great good job applying it to the N-Strike and Vortex CS blasters thus far. Although I don't ever remember seeing that Firefly logo on the original Firefly blaster. Oh well, it's still tacti-cool and can work wonders with special cosmetic designs.

  5. I think the firefly tech is a natural advancement when it comes to nighttime play. It's been a kicker to use in night battles, or even lights-off battles in basements. When those glowing darts start flying, you know it's on! It really helps in the clean-up too, since finding them is /much/ easier when they're the only thing in the room glowing. Which makes it easier to find them in the dark than in light! Haha.

  6. I love the firefly tech. I have a good sized basement to nerf in. I love taking some glowing darts, turning the lights off, and shooting them around.

  7. I think firefly tech is cool, but I'm not sure I see any real point in it other than the tacti-cool factor.

  8. I like the whole firefly tech line. The clips are especially cool.

  9. Firefly tech is promising, and a whole lot better then in gun flashes, but i'm not a huge fan. I mean, I'm not a big fan of any of Nerf's "gimmicks" per se, but of the whole I guess Firefly tech would be close to the top. I like the idea of being able to throw a glow dart in every 3 shots, and getting an idea of how I'm going through my ammo as well as tracer rounds (especially fun in dark environments).

  10. I really like the colors they are releasing them in, and the rayven is really nice as an smg. Even in the day white darts are helpful for dart sweeps. The lumitron lights up better than the rayven but hey, I like em all.

  11. I think it's an interesting idea, but Nerf could better spend their R&D money on different things that are cooler and more useful. I have a Rayven, but I've never even put the batteries in for the firefly tech, because it really doesn't appeal to me.

  12. My favorite thing about firefly tech is the look of them as they go flying. It reminds me of tracer rounds in machine guns and subcompacts and things. I personally think the rayven clip should be more like the lumitron clip in that it should have light all the way through rather than just at the top, as they don't get quite the charge you make like when firing quickly. Overall, I love it though. Definitely worth the extra batteries in my book.

  13. I was expecting it to just be a worthless gimmick but I can't wait for them to expand the line :D The glow stuff is better than I thought. I mean,who wouldn't like shooting a green"laser" dart?

  14. I like glow in the dark. The ideas it sparks when people try to recreate it in their own blasters is really cool, like my UV LED Raider Drum

  15. I personally don't mind the FireFly tech. It's always fun playing in a (mostly) dark house. Being able to actually use the flashlight and laser-sight tactical rail pieces. The Firefly tech, while not advantage giving, does provide a neat twist. Having the clips themselves the source of the light also allows for cross-compatibility. Which is a nice step in the right direction, compared to the "Firefly" Blaster.

  16. My only real opinion on FF Tech is that it's fun to play with, but it's overall useless and makes for ugly colored blasters that don't match your accessories. Though it looks awesome in the dark.

  17. Pretty fun while the glow lasts, but not much once it's gone. In a blacklit room, though, I think they'd be REALLY useful since they would always be getting recharged.

  18. The whole thing is pretty gimmicky but it gave us the Rayven and that's pretty awesome. I haven't seen the glow in the dark darts as of yet but it's pretty awesome how they've worked the whole thing out

  19. I think the firefly tech stuff is just another thing for Nerf to get a couple bucks. I do not play alot at night, and if I do...I rather the targets not knowing when the darts are coming.

  20. It's gimmicky, but go ahead and call me a fan. I do like that Hasbro thought ahead and went cross-compatable and put the uv/leds in the clip and not the blaster.

    What else can be said that already hasn't been? Oh, the color scheme on the firefly tech dart clip is epic, and the logo is nicely designed.

  21. I've always liked glow-in-the-dark and the science behind it (Yes, I'm a nerd. I feel like I've said that before...), so I like the Firefly tech. I'm really considering getting some nice purple (or UV) LEDs and making mah own Firefly Tech so ALL of my blasters can have fun.

  22. In my opinion, they aren't that great. it makes the clip clunkier and weird, plus you have to pay for batteries. On top of that, they cost more, at least on the rayven. It's a $20 gun in my opinion, maybe $25, so the clip costs at least $5.

  23. As a Nerf fan who has just recently come out of my "dark ages" (time of not buying Nerf--and pun is Indeed intended), I am quite excited by the firefly tech, especially since the Rayven Is partially what motivated me to get back into the hobby. Also, the guys I usually Nerf with play indoors in a darkened gymnasium, so glow in the dark makes it even awesome-er!
