
Monday, February 6, 2012

Whiteout Series Spectre

Well, not quite!  But it's probably as close as I'll get to having something like this.  I was originally going to hold off on a repaint of a Nerf Spectre for something like this in the hopes that Wal-Mart's Whiteout Series would include the Spectre, as rumored by the box art that was floating around in the Summer of 2011.  Since the Whiteout Series has filtered its way off of Wal-Mart shelves, I just assume that this was a limited run for the 4 blasters that we got... so it was up to ME to create what I needed for this project.

Reproducing the Whiteout Logos wasn't a must for this project, so when I couldn't come up with any good ideas to accurately replicate them just yet, I decided to just make a white blaster with details that way if I did decide to go for it, I'd have a canvas ready and waiting.  Still, the white-painted Spectre looks GREAT for this winter project of mine!  It goes great with the Super Soaker accessories from the LightingStorm and Shot Blast as well as the Longstrike Barrel extension and Stampede folding bipod.

The pictures turned out nice and I like the way it turned out, but the one thing that's still kind of missing is that "pop" that Nerf Plastic has. The white paint is as white as it'll ever get, but there's a "glow" to the colors in the plastic Nerf uses that normal Krylon Fusion paint can't achieve.  Up Close you can kind of see the difference, but from an observer's perspective, it looks spot-on.  If anyone has found a way to match the hues in the plastic of Nerf Blasters, let me know as I can always make things more accurate!

There's more to this Spectre than meets the eye though!  Internally I've removed the AR's in the barrel as well as adding a Longshot Front Gun spring to the stock Spectre Spring.  It's a perfect fit inside the diameter of the stock spring and gets incredible ranges for the minimal amount of modifications I made to it.  Even with the barrel on, this Long Spectre is getting the same ranges as my Nite Finder with an OMW 2.5 spring in it!  My goal is always to make blasters that perform as good as they look and, in my honest opinion, a Spectre styled as a rifle by use of a stock and barrel extension is one of the best looking setups one can get.  Now the trick is tracking down those Whiteout Darts I fired into this field...


  1. That's a really nice pic at the end good job^_^

  2. nice job! i love the pic of you under the tree at 0:51!

  3. You make me want a spectre so bad. So what paint job next? Light it up?

  4. That is one heck of a beautiful weapon. I suspect the only way to get the beautiful Nerf sheen in your colors is to use some kind of vinyl dye.

  5. The reason Nerf plastic has that lovely sheen is because most of the plastic itself is colored, not painted. When we paint over them, even with clear coats, it's just not quite the same.

  6. I have no idea what on earth is wrong but i did the same mod, ARs removed and double spring with spectre and LSFG and you know what happened, the range went down. anyone got an explanation for that??? and don't say i messed up, I considered that myself and unless you forgot to mention something i did it perfectly. so what is wrong???

    1. How'd you remove the ARs? Did you check to make sure everything was installed correctly?

    2. i just opened the rotation piece, took out the springs and ARs, and everything fit in fine, could it be that my LSFG's spring was a slightly different size that yours? mine had a tight/snug fit on the back of the plunger.
