
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Toy Fair 2012: Neat stuff!

LTAR Box Art

Engadget has another great hands-on review of the latest Lazer Tag System, taking center stage at this year's Toy Fair 2012.  They give you a good idea of the kind of display and feedback the new LTAR will be giving the user.  It's a nice writeup, though I would still like to see a video of the blaster's actual functions.  Check out their full review HERE!

There's Video for size comparisons and to see what the iPhone/iPod Touch interface would look like.  All that "beeping" you hear in the background is the Lock-on signatures since the two blasters are so close together.  They won't beep like that constantly in an actual game unless you're REALLY that close to your opponent for some reason!

There's also an image, courtesy of ToySpy, of the LTAR Box design.  With it being the first day of Toy Fair, expect to keep an eye on all the toy news sources for more info.  Read on to see a few neat things I've found.

Also, there's stuff for the Avengers Movie that we already knew about thanks to earlier news.  The Big Bad Bow is recolored for Hawkeye (one of the Avengers) and there's a Mav-esque blaster that shoots these odd looking darts.  We know how the BBB will perform... awesome as usual.  This new Brigade Blaster for Captain America though... I'm not so sure how good of a blaster it'll be.  At the very least, it might lend itself to some cool mods.

I haven't seen any other Nerf-based blasters for the Avengers yet, but that movie comes out this summer so there's still time for Hasbro to come out with something for the other fellas.  Actually, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I saw pictures of the ever-popular foam "Hulk Hands" wandering about Toy Fair.

And a blaster that doesn't even look to be Nerf (though it's for GI Joe owned by Hasbro) has my attention for a potential recasing.  This has got to be one of the coolest looking pistols I've seen in a LONG time.  It's got plastic missiles that it fires, but has quite a complex design to it.  A removable trigger grip (that looks more like brass knuckles if you ask me) and some kind of magazine connect to the blaster.

It's called the "Battle-Kata Blaster", so I'm assuming it's part of that whole ninja-side to the latest GI Joe stuff coming out.  I never did quite get why they're focusing so much on ninjas in a brand that I've always thought was about the Semper Fi attitude of gunslinging soldiers, but that was "old school GI Joe".

Still, whatever this blaster's function or gimmick, I'm kind of psyched to find one and see what I can do about making a boss laser tag recasing for it.  I like the heft and styling of the blaster in general, so don't be surprised if I go outside my realm of laser tag and Nerf just to nab one of these fellas for a mod of some sort.

That being said, there are more shots of the recolored Fury Fire that older Dart Tag fans will appreciate.  The "Ninja Commando Blaster" is a recolored Fury Fire with some kinda targeting accessory on the tactical rail.

That's what I've seen so far that I think is worth mentioning.  There were some pictures surfacing of a Dart Tag 8-shot blaster that looks a lot like a manually-primed speedswarm (which is good because I personally hated the Speedswarm), but I'm sure someone else will cover that.

There's more great stuff over at Nerf Mods & Reviews too!  Check it out!


  1. i had a cheap plastic gun once it fired them crap all-plastic missiles.

  2. I think the "magazine" of GI Joe blaster is actually a blade. It can be attached to the grip when it was removed from the gun body. So it can be a gun or a knife with finger guard.

    1. Isn't that just like a wop...brings a knife to a gunfight.

    2. I was actually thinking the same thing, Kevin! But, at the same time, it looks similar to a staple gun's "magazine", and the angle of the blade would be plain silly. I guess we'll just have to find out! Who knows... Maybe it's both a magazine AND a knife.

  3. The Battle Kata blaster is actually a toy version of the TDI KRISS Super V Vector SMG featured in MW2 and Black Ops II.

    1. Not quite. While it certainly uses parts from the Super V Vector, the base pistol is a .45 cal. There's also no knife that comes out of the shroud in the Super V Vector either. Aesthetically, they are similar and do share design elements, but the Battle Kata Blaster is just a made up pistol prop for the movie.

  4. Get this! The "magazine" and grip come apart, and attach together to make a dagger!

    1. One step ahead of ya!
