
Friday, February 17, 2012

Pause wins the Hornet! What's Next?

The winner of the Steampunk'd Hornet by Neo Creations is Pause!  Congrats on winning this great looking blaster!  I was REALLY pleased with all the great submissions for the giveaway in general and I wish I had set it up so that the "best" paintjob would win, but that's not how the Giveaway works.  Regardless, Pause entered a neat looking Longshot that you can check out on his Blog.  Speaking of blogs, if you entered a custom blaster for last week's giveaway, maybe you should submit it to be featured on Universal Nerf?

I suppose I should get to the question for this week.  We got quite the sneak peek at stuff at ToyFair for Nerf and Laser Tag.  From the Snapfire for Dart Tag to the Lazer Tag Augmented Reality system to the N-Strike Elite announcement, we saw a lot there.  We even got a look at the Vortex Pyragon thanks to the Investors Presentation!  So I want to know this: what are you most looking forward to for 2012 based off what you saw at ToyFair.  As long as it's related to Nerf or Laser Tag, any opinion on this topic will do.

Now then, onto the giveaway.  There's been all sorts of talk about "What will the Hail Fire (the new ELITE blaster for a 9.9.12 release) be like?"  There's already a picture of a Vulcan-esque handle with what some folks think is an accelerator switch, which could mean that it's a large Flywheel blaster.  So for the Giveaway, we've got a 25 round Vulcan ammo chain (in the event that it IS some kind of Vulcan!).  Just answer the question and the Vulcan ammo chain will be YOURS!


  1. Honestly, I am most excited for the Pyragon. I can udnerstand that Nerf can put on bigger drums and whatnot for darts, but I am baffled as to how they figured out a 40 disc drum; alongside the undoubtedly best looking design and paint for a vortex gun, I just can't help but love it.
    It will definitely be at the top of my list of guns to by this August, or hopefully sooner if they pop up pre-release.

    1. i like it but i still think i like the green design like on the other guns but it dosent matter cause im still getting it

  2. I am very excited about everything, I want to see how nerf managed to get 75 feet out of a blaster, a 40 disc drum. The Hail fire sounds interesting to me but the snapfire 8 just kills me. How does it get good ranges?!?!?

  3. I'm most excited about elite. Being a modder, 75ft ranges are pretty good for most modified blasters of today...Hitting 75ft stock! How well will they perform with some mods. I don't even think I could imagine a raider-esque looking blaster hitting +100 with an insane RoF. On another note, The pyragon drum intrigues me. To me it looks like 4- 10 round disk clips on a rotating axel, being able to quickly change clips. I am excited to see what it really is, how it performs, and most of all, buy one!

  4. I think the Elite series does it for me. Gorgeous paint scheme (UNIFIED ACROSS THE LINE!!!) and great ranges, I just hope they do an Alpha Trooper one. If no Alpha Trooper Elite blasters, then it's gotta be that pyragon.

  5. I definitely am looking forward to the Pyragon because of it's massive ammo capacity, but I'm even more interested in the Hail Fire though.

  6. I want to see the hail fire. I'm betting its a flywheel blaster from what little has been seen of it. Now that nerf is ok with 75ft ranges stock I'd really like to see what an overvolted flywheel that got 75ft stock would do.

  7. Really looking forward to the Pyragon for two reasons:
    -The big clip and slam-fire possibility
    -The fore-handle
    The grip looks really cool and comfortable, I really want to use it sometime. Maybe integrate it into a raider or something, i dont know. Im not really "excited" about the N-Strike elite, because if they get the claimed ranges, then every other blaster will be outclassed by it, bar a longshot. Oh well, cant stop change!

  8. Man, everyone is looking forward to Nerf. While I am excited 'bout that stuff, I'm really excited 'bout LTAR. The design is fantastic, the idea brilliant, and the color choice excellent. (Guess my favorite colors! ;0) )

    Also, this way I might finally be able to get into laser tag like I should have... Oh, I dunno, 18 years ago. xP

  9. I'm looking forward to more Vortex. So far only the Lumitron and Pyragon but that'll change eventually. N-Strike Elite looks pretty decent. 75 feet ranges are just crazy and the 2 blasters we don't know much about keep up the excitement.

  10. I am looking forward to the Elite line. Especially if the ranges are true. With that paint scheme in these blasters, I wonder if we will see the Longshot come back within the elite series. Now that would be cool. a Longshot that could shoot 75 feet out of the box, especially with the front gun on it.

  11. I think is like a vulcan, because the handle is slightly bent and there is no stock, so there will be another handle that kind of vulcan in him. It may not be with belt but with elite clip. I think this gun will be fantastic.

  12. Looking forward to an elite sniper rifle, either the longstrike or longshot. It's pretty freaking awesome to think of a sniper rifle that could actually do it's job well. On top of the fact that if they re-release the longshot or longstrike, it'll probably come pimped out with even more accessories. And a rerelease of the longshot? That would be amazing.

  13. I know I'm gonna love the Retaliator and Rampage. Even if they don't get the 75 foot ranges they're still a good repaint, not to mention the new stock and new clips. The Hailfire I'm not so sure about but am willing to give the new Clip System a shot. But honestly what I'm really looking forward to is those new Hasbro Laser Tag guns. That is a really great idea combining the i-gadgets and can't wait to try them out.

  14. I want to see the Hailfire in action
