
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Newbies don't Disappoint

Three weeks ago the OLCA planned a match to be held on February 18th that looked like it would flop from dismal attendance alone.  Then, when the time actually game to hold the game, many of the folks who said they would come didn't show at all.  However, amidst the disappointing turnout, we had a really fun set of games from 4pm ending finally at 7:45.
We got out our Laser Challenge gear and shot it up in the frozen tundra that was our usual park and had a great time with some new fresh faces.  There were a total of 6 new players who came to the game, along with a few veteran players that came and went as their schedules permitted.  Still, I think the most fun part for me was getting these new recruits briefed on equipment that was literally as OLD as they were!  It was great seeing new blood in our group, which we sorta need this year.  They really made today's game worth it, so I tip my hat to them.

Today I also got to take my Pulse Rifle out for a bit of a spin trying out the new costmetics.  The Screen-accurate stock and the new Mag bottoms look fantastic on it.  The stock is much more sturdy/comfortable to use and in general it was just nice to finally use this blaster for laser tag.  It's still running it's temporary Laser Challenge Radar Extreme board until we can get another Mod Night scheduled to install the Arduino, so it wasn't quite performing like it was a season ago, but half of the joy of using this blaster is just it's looks!

Also a bit of thanks, actually a LOT of thanks to this fella.  He goes by the name of "Eleri at'Xalien" on the interwebs and has been my right-hand man since we started the OLCA back in 2006.  He helped me out a lot with planning stuff for this match, despite the low turnout.  His leadership today really shined through and it was great tagging alongside (and against) him again.  I really needed this game just as a bit of a stress relief from the craziness that is my life.  He's always been supportive and helpful, just the mark of a good friend.  So between the new players, my Pulse Rifle kicking some butts, and Eleri's help... today wasn't quite as bad as I had made it out to be!

1 comment:

  1. That looks like it was a lot of fun, despite the cold. I would love to have some sort of nerf battle or something over here in Utah.
