
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

N-Strike Elite: HailFire Silhouette

Thanks to the tip from Milez, Nerf Nation released the N-Strike ELITE video that gives us a silhouette of the Hailfire to be released on 9-9-12.  Shortly after we got this info, Nerf Nation unveiled it on their Facebook Page.

Time to let the speculation comments roll!  Check out the video for yourself below!

Leave a comment on your take on the features of the HailFire!


  1. I agree with Milez. Its actually really sad they would think of this. It seems the middle section would rotate allowing use of each clip.

    If this is the pinnacle of nerf innovation, nerf sucks. Maybe I am too negative. But I was expecting more from Hasbro.

    1. Ah yes, at first I couldn't tell what was going on with that middle section but upon second look it appears you are correct !

  2. I hope that that huge rotating loader is removable, it looks like it could be quite awkward to hold, I guess we will just have to wait and see. If it really is a flywheel, i hope they took it to the extreme in design to get those 75ft ranges.

  3. Maybe the bottom trigger rotates the clips and its not a flywheel design and its internals are something we havent seen. One can only hope!

  4. its a cool idea and im glad they have come up with something new!

  5. It may just be a rotating 4/12 rd clip holster, but oh well. If you consider how the 35rd drum tends to get week after a while, this could be the only way they could effectively get more ammo into the gun with the least amount of jamming. Plus, if it accepts clip systems darts, who know, it'd be super heavy, but it may accept 4 35rd drums for a total capacity of 140 rds!. It could be the 'pinnacle of nerf innovation' is what's going on inside the guns to get the ranges it does. We'll just have to wait and see. For now though, we get to see the picture of an overly massive semi auto gun with probable 4/12 rd clips.

  6. What if it shot two darts at a time? (Two clips seem to line up at once.

    Also, the lack of a stock, and stock "slot" seems to denote that its:

    1) Heavy (Vulcan)
    2) Will probably use a sling (Vulcan)
    3) Fires from the hip

  7. Looks like Nerf is trying something new with these weird looking multi-clip clips. Hmm. The Hailfire looks ugly, bulky, and uncomfortable. Like I said on the chat " looks like a UFO." But hey, I'd be willing to give that new Clip System a try.

  8. I want it.... It looks so unique... I like unique

    If you look closely, you can see that there's a handle on the front. This screams a redone vulcan to me!

  10. I looked at fullscreen and it is a 4 clip vulcan.The front handle as been cut in the video.

  11. What little can be seen of the barrel makes me think of the Vortex blasters. So I wonder if they're making a hybrid of some kind.

  12. I might also guess that it's not a 4-clip system, but a three clip system in a semi-circle.

    They way the clips are set up, makes me question whether the front clip is being used, or the rear. If it's the front, the rear would block a conventional plunger. That would mean a fly wheel blaster.

    If it's the rear, it would have a small/normal plunger, but the clip in the front would seem to get in the way...

    1. But if you think about it, even if it was just three, when the final clip is being used, the first clip would get in the way. So they probably figured something /really/ interesting to rig that to work.

    2. There are two big problems I see with the 3-clip system idea. The silhouette suggests that the clips are parallel to eachother, with the front and back clip being at the same angle. The third clip( that we see a side-profile of) would likely have another clip opposite of it on the other side of the blaster that, thanks to all the lights and the angle of the shot, is difficult to see.

      Also, if the Hailfire's ammo capacity is listed at 48 darts, how would you explain splitting that count up amongst 3 clips? The Retaliator has a transparent orange clip wtih 12 darts in it. Simple math tells us that 4 x 12 is 48...

      To me, the evidence is clearly pointing towards a 4-clip system.
