
Friday, February 3, 2012

LT Q&A: Recasings

I apologize for the delay in trying to get this last LT Q&A video up, but YouTube apparently insists on turning my Wide-Screen video into full screen, stretching the image.  It's annoying, considering the amount of work and time I put into trying to make this video the best, but until I can figure out what the heck is wrong with it, here we go!

Thanks to everyone who's been commenting and asking questions.  It's THAT kind of activity that was the driving force in getting this series of videos together.  This one covers all the Recasing questions I get.  Hopefully you can glean some more ideas from this video!


  1. Adding yt:stretch=16:9 to the video's tags on Youtube may help with the stretching problem.

  2. Must not open up Rayven.... You're mean! I'm now tempted to open up my Rayven and put a light strike inside it! At least I'm low on cash so I can't do it. Anyway,great vid. What I don't understand though is what if the wires are too short or you want a LTTO deluxe in and only 4 battery slots. What would you do?

  3. Hey Zook you might want to take a look over at Urban Taggers for new Nerf Elite blasters! Big news, it looks like!

  4. Just something related to the whole laser challenge stuff. I found a picture from my 10th birthday. I'm sure you'll enjoy it in all it's out of focus-ness.
